Chapter 7 Meat

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Throw Xing Yun in the yard and walk away gracefully... This is what Shen Li thought. But after hesitating for a long time, she picked him up and threw him onto the rocking chair in the backyard.

Shen Li felt that he should pay the price for the jokes he had seen these days, instead of dying so easily. Shen Li rummaged around the house for a long time, and finally found the medicine that Xing Yun took on weekdays. After a lot of effort, she cooked it. She took the medicine and walked to Xing Yun. Seeing that he was still fainting, Shen Li thinking about it, she reached out and pinched his lower jaw, and opened his teeth unceremoniously. He poured a bowl of freshly brewed medicine into Xianyun's mouth without even blowing on it.

"Wait a minute!" At the critical moment of life and death, Xing Yun suddenly spoke. His face was still pale, he coughed twice, gently pushed Shen Li's hand away, and sighed, "I will do it myself."

Shen Li raised her eyebrows: "Are you playing a trick?"

"No, I really fainted for a moment and just woke up. I just wanted to enjoy being taken care of." Xing Yun laughed, "But I seem to be thinking too much."

"You're not just thinking too much! You ate my bacon today, and you've teased me for so many days, and you still want me to take care of you!" Shen Li suppressed her anger, lifted the hem of her clothes, shook her butt, and subconsciously wanted to fall to the ground. She sat down, but suddenly remembered that she was no longer a chicken, and her half-crouched body straightened up stiffly.

Xing Yun, however, laughed desperately in front of her: "Look, it's more comfortable to be a chicken, huh?" There was something different and touching about the eyebrows and eyes hidden under the morbid condition.

At this time, no matter how beautiful Xing Yun was, Shen Li only clenched her fists, took a deep breath and said:

"Can you still find a reason why I won't kill you?"

Her words were extremely murderous, but Xing Yun only smiled slightly after hearing this: "Stop making trouble, give me the medicine. I have half a piece of bacon left for you in the kitchen. I'll make some broth for you when you get hungry to drink."

These words were a huge blow to Shen Li.

The reason for not killing him... was given so easily...

Unable to clench her fists any longer, Shen Li felt that Xing Yun must have set up some strange formation in this room, making her slowly become less like the prince of the demon world.

She recovered her body, but her inner breath was still unstable and her magic power was only 10% to 20%. Shen Li spent the entire afternoon wondering when she would leave this small courtyard. Xing Yun's formation is well set up, and she can recover faster here, but if she stays here, people from the demon world will soon come looking for her, and then this mortal...

"Help me take off the bacon." Xing Yun's voice suddenly came from behind, "The piece of meat is hanging too high. I can't straighten my waist and can't take it off."

Shen Li glanced at Xing Yun. He was so painful after just one punch. If he faced the pursuers of the demon world, he wouldn’t be able to survive, he would be completely destroyed. Shen Li sighed: "Where?"

She entered the kitchen and looked up. She saw half a piece of bacon hanging on the beam. Xing Yun handed her a pole. Shen Li didn't take it. She took out an empty bowl from the side and threw it into the air like a Frisbee. The edge of the bowl was like a knife, and he quickly cut off the string hanging the bacon. Before hitting the wall, it circled back and just caught the fallen bacon, and flew it back to Shen Li's hand safely.

Shen Li was very proud of showing off such a skill. She glanced sideways. She expected to see the eyes of ordinary people with admiration, but instead she saw Xing Yun sticking out his butt and taking out a very dirty piece of rag from under the stove. He handed the rag to her and said: "Great, since you have this skill, you can wipe all the ashes on the beams in my kitchen clean."

Ben Wang Zai Ci / The Legend of Shen Li  Where stories live. Discover now