Chapter 2

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Yoongi walks out of the building while heaving out a deep breath. He works as a delivery guy from time to time so that he could save some money to hit the road for Seoul. But people are cruel. They had pushed two garbage bags into his hands so that he could take it out for them. It has happened more times than he could count.

But he'd do anything if it meant that he could chase his dreams of being a musician. He dumps the garbage bags and gets on his bike to return back to the restaurant. The rain seemed to be drizzling every few minutes already soaking his clothes. He rides down the empty lane to turn a corner.

It happens quickly. So quickly that he couldn't even comprehend what happened. A van zoomed out of nowhere hitting his bike causing him to be thrown off the bike mercilessly.

It doesn't hit him. He only realises that he was involved in an accident after a few minutes as he laid on the cold and hard empty road. The van didn't stop instead drove faster after what occured. He was thankful that he wore his helmet because he was only bleeding from his elbows and knees. But there was a dull throbbing pain in left shoulder. He hopes he didn't break any bones. His family can't afford an expensive hospital treatment right now.

It takes him a lot of time to be up on his feet again. He limps to the bike and rides back to the restaurant slowly. He is exhausted by the time he reaches his house. But he sits on the bench behind his house for the time being. If he goes in all injured his parents and brother will ask a thousand questions which he is not ready to answer.

"Yoongi." He hears a voice nearing him.

He twists his neck to see Y/n striding towards him with a shy smile. He stares at her wondering why she looked so beautiful even though she is just wearing an old pyjama set, hair plaided and face bare. Her smile vanishes as soon as she gets to properly see him.

"What...? What happened to you ?" She asked worriedly.

"I fell from my bike." Yoongi replies casually.

"How did it happen ? Oh my god." She gasps, her hand covering her mouth. She runs back to her house without another word leaving him confused. But then comes back running to him with a first aid kit.

"You should be more careful." Y/n sniffles.

Her hands carefully cleaning the blood off and then applying medicine on it so that she can wrap it up. She winces as she throws away all the bloodied cloth and then washing her hands. She sits beside him, "You scared me."

He sighs, "I didn't mean to. It was nothing. I am fine. Thank you."

"You are welcome." Y/n said then looks at him, "You didn't hurt your head, right ? If so we need to visit the hospital soon."

Yoongi shakes his head, "I had my helmet on."

"Thank god." Y/n says with her hands placed on top of her chest.

"I am fine." Yoongi said.

Y/n lifts her head to look at him with glassy eyes and a small smile, "You never tell anyone otherwise."

Yoongi feels his heart skip a beat. He opens his mouth to speak but falls silent when he saw Y/n closing in his face. For a moment he thought she was going to kiss him and unsurprisingly he was ready for it. But her lips lingered over his cheek where she lightly presses a kiss before leaning back.

"Please," Y/n murmurs softly, "be careful."

Yoongi swallows down harshly not able to form words, still struck with the kiss he just received from her. Y/n gathers her stuff and looks over her shoulder to his house, "Do you need help to get home ?"

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