The sun and the moon

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Authors note: Yeahh I just made this for my friends ;P but your free to read it nessy poo and belz I made this ur welcome guys :3 -Liz btw this starts off the day before they were gonna leave Jamestown uwu (I'm sorry to everyone besides my friends who had the displeasure of reading this 😭)

Samuel's POV:
"Richard and Captain Smith were leaving me already, just when I was starting to trust people. Just perfect," I muttered to myself, feeling annoyed as I paced along jamestown. I had just begun to appreciate Richard's company...he's actually better than me in some ways, which feels strange to admit. I might actually miss him. The wind against my face felt like a bitch slap, but I couldn't care less; I was just pissed off. Damn it, I'll miss that golden-haired asswipe a whole lot. As I passed by the campfire, now dim, I sighed. They're leaving tomorrow! I felt my eyes welling up with tears, but I refused to let them fall. I pushed back the tears as well as my anger like Captain smith told me to, or at least I tried to—it's embarrassing to cry as a bloody 14-year-old... I'm not 11 anymore... but I cried anyway as I sat on the tree stump. "Why can't I just catch a break?" I said aloud, my voice laced with anger, though deep down, I felt lonely. God, if anyone sees me crying, they'll think I'm so pathetic... I thought to myself, but not a second later, something happened to me that hadn't occurred since my mum was alive... someone behind me wrapped their arms around me, and I knew exactly who it was from there ashy and body oder scent.

Richards POV:

As I strolled through the settlement, I soaked in every detail, committing it to memory—the scent, the morning sky's brilliance, the tents, even the mundane sight of slop buckets. A pang of sadness hit me at the thought of leaving Jamestown, but duty called with Captain Smith's summons. Yet, a sudden sound interrupted my thoughts—crying? Who on earth would be shedding tears here?
Turning towards the source, I spotted the familiar hot-tempered brunette from the orphanage, someone I had grown unexpectedly fond of during our time in Jamestown. His distress caught me off guard. Normally, I would have brushed it off, but seeing him in such a state stirred something in me. Without a second thought, I approached him by the campfire, enveloping him in an embrace. I could feel his initial tension melt as he recognized my touch.
"What's wrong, Sammy?" I inquired softly, despite knowing his disdain for the nickname. He hastily wiped away his tears, attempting to dismiss his sorrow with bravado.
"I'm fine, really," he insisted, though his words betrayed his true emotions. "It's just...I'll miss you guys, you know?"
I listened as he poured out his heart, his words hanging in the air between us. There was a silent understanding; no words were necessary. It was just him and me, the orphan boy. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind as we stood there, sharing a moment of quiet companionship amidst the chaos of our impending separation.
Samuel's POV:

That infuriating boy! He was driving me insane. God, I couldn't even shed a tear anymore, but those eyes... those piercing blue eyes always shone, even on the coldest days. Why did he have to be so captivating? Why did it feel strangely comforting when he called me Sammy, a name I despised? Curse those golden locks, finer than snow. And those eyes, like the depths of the ocean, widened when he was lost in thought. Those thoughts, they were dangerous, like whispers from the devil himself. As I gazed at him, Richard's hand landed on my shoulder, his expression unreadable. Another question struck me—after everything, why didn't he hate me? We had clashed at the orphanage, yet he still showed me kindness. Why did he forgive me? Why did he bother comforting me?
"Samuel, you're crying like a girl. Something's wrong, isn't it? And don't you dare lie to me," Richard interrupted my thoughts sharply.
I touched my face, realizing it was soaked. Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed the leaking pipe. I sighed, meeting Richard's gaze. "It's just... did you really have to go?"
Richard shot me a knowing look.
"Take a look at Captain Smith's leg, and you'll have your answer."
Fuck it! I knew it was stupid, but you couldn't just leave and expect me to be fine, Dandy!"
I exploded, anger bubbling up. "I have every right to be mad! To be upset! You are my friend, damn it! What if I never saw you again?"
I remembered Captain Smith's words about anger, but in that moment, I didn't want to use it for power. I just wanted to be angry. Richard looked at me blankly again, then leaned in, his tone urgent. "I get it, Sam. You're upset. But if you keep this up, Henry would catch us, and we were both screwed!"  I clamped my mouth shut, letting Richard speak.  We were both upset, Sam. I have been there for years, and leaving isn't easy. But we can't let it consume us, can we? It was odd seeing you cry when I thought anger was your only emotion."
Richard tried to lighten the mood, wiping away my tears. His gesture, though sweet, irritated me, but I held back my frustration. "You know, I'll miss you a lot. And Captain Smith too."
Richard paused, deep in thought. I waited impatiently for his response, though patience wasn't my strong suit.

Richard's POV:

I took a moment to reflect. After everything—James, the fights he caused, his once coldness to me—everything! Yet, I can't bring myself to hate him. I have no idea why, but he's just impossible to hate, and overall, he was super fun to be around. Most people initially called Samuel a narc (including myself), but he changed. A lot. And so did his appearance. But I really thought I'd miss him. After a moment, I responded, "Yeah... England will be nice... but I'll miss you too." What surprised me at the time was the relief plastered on the boy's face when I spoke. I studied his features. I felt oddly touched seeing how much he cared. It was weird, actually. I kinda just wanted to—before I knew it, Samuel was on my bench, and everything started to move almost as if everything was on pause, and all I could see was this hotheaded dickhead moving closer to my lips. Without even comprehending my actions, almost out of nature itself, I wrapped my arms around him and just leaned in, letting it happen. But OF COURSE, the campsite was the worst place possible, and at that moment, quicker than light, our asses had to come up with something and something FAST because just before our lips touched, someone walked in. You probably never saw two boys move away from each other faster, because our asses threw ourselves in opposing directions, although it was probably too late for that. It was Reverend Hunt. He didn't seem to be in the mood to get two boys murdered, thankfully, so he muttered something along the lines of "fucking boys..." as he walked in the opposing direction. After a moment of silence, we both burst out into laughter as I held a hand out to help Samuel get up. Although I felt a small pang in my heart because I knew I'd miss this boy as much as he would miss me.

I did it ayayayayay I hope you liked it ness and Bella and....other poor souls who had the displeasure of reading this :P

Richard x Samuel (made for my friends <3)Where stories live. Discover now