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In the heart of the bustling city, nestled among towering skyscrapers adorned with twinkling lights, Seonghwa entered a restaurant that had become all too familiar in recent months. It wasn't the allure of its Michelin stars or the exquisite fusion cuisine that drew him back time and again, but the whims of his mother, who had taken it upon herself to orchestrate his love life.

As he made his way to his usual table, the ambient jazz music wrapped around him like a familiar blanket, its soft melodies barely audible above the murmur of conversation. The restaurant, with its opulent decor and an air of exclusivity, served as the perfect backdrop for the high-society matchmaking his mother insisted upon. Yet, for Seonghwa, it felt more like a gilded cage.

He settled into his chair, a silent nod to the waiter signaling his readiness to endure another evening of pretense. Glancing at his wrist, the gleam of his Rolex Daytona caught the light of his constraints. It was 7:10 PM. His date, or rather, his "Wednesday night appointment," was late. Seonghwa's brow furrowed in annoyance. Time was a commodity he valued above all else, and having it wasted was a transgression he could barely tolerate.

Frustration etched across his features, Seonghwa pondered the absurdity of his situation. Dating, marriage, and the pressure to settle down were concepts he had long dismissed as frivolous pursuits, until his sister Sooyoung had intervened with her dramatic declarations of his imminent loneliness. Now, thanks to her meddling and their mother's desires for familial harmony, Seonghwa found himself embroiled in a series of arranged encounters with hand-picked suitors, all in the name of securing his future promotion to COO within the family's milk company. Which was significant step up from his current role, yet still a tier below the coveted CEO title reserved for his cousin.

Ten minutes turned into fifteen, and Seonghwa's patience evaporated. The audacity of his date to assume his time held no value was the final straw. Nights like these, he preferred to immerse himself in work, strategizing ways to propel the company forward, rather than partaking in this hollow ritual.

With a resigned sigh, Seonghwa pushed back his chair, the sound barely registering above the clink of fine china and the soft jazz that continued to play. He longed for the solitude of his home, where the weight of familial expectations couldn't reach him. Tonight, like many others, was a reminder of the chains that bound him—a golden cage of tradition and expectation from which there seemed no escape.

Just as Seonghwa was about to depart from the evening's disappointing start, a commotion at the entrance caught his attention. A man, seemingly battling with his own two feet, tumbled into the restaurant, earning curious glances from the other patrons. With a sheepish smile that seemed to soften the awkwardness of his entrance, he approached the hostess, announcing his arrival for a reservation.

The hostess, unfazed by the spectacle, led the latecomer through the dining area. Seonghwa watched as the man, with his orange hair providing a stark contrast against the restaurant's subdued elegance, approached his table.

"Um," Seonghwa began, unsure how to address the unexpected situation.

"Blind date? Seonghwa?" Hongjoong stuttered, his initial confidence faltering under Seonghwa's intense gaze."I'm Hongjoong."

"You're a guy," Seonghwa blurted out, immediately regretting his lack of tact. The realization that his mother had set him up with a man was bewildering; he had never expressed interest in men, at least not openly.

"Yes," Hongjoong replied, his voice trailing off, a pout forming on his lips as he felt rightly offended by the assumption. He quickly clarified his pronouns, "He/him."

"Sorry," Seonghwa apologized, taking in Hongjoong interesting appearance: the orange hair, the dark purple attire. It was clear to Seonghwa that, even if he were inclined towards men, Hongjoong wouldn't be his type. "I thought I was meeting a woman."

"Chungha...yeah, she told me to come. I'm sorry, I thought—" Hongjoong's rambling was cut short by Seonghwa, who sought to ease the awkward tension. "It's okay, I wasn't updated nor understood why I was set up with a male."

Hongjoong internalized the conversation, feeling a surge of embarrassment. "Of course he's like super straight," he thought, fighting the urge to roll his eyes at the situation. "Oh," was all he could manage in response, the word hanging between them like a delicate thread.

The encounter, steeped in misunderstandings and unmet expectations, unfolded under the soft glow of the restaurant's chandeliers, setting the stage for an evening neither man had anticipated.

Seonghwa stood up abruptly, his expression a mix of frustration and resignation. "If you don't mind, but I'll just..." His voice trailed off, not entirely sure how to gracefully exit the situation that had spiraled far beyond his control.

Hongjoong, who had been sitting across from him, also stood up, his movements awkward as he itched his arm, an almost hurt expression crossing his features. Seonghwa, in an attempt to salvage some semblance of politeness, extended his hand in a parting gesture, "Feel free to eat." He then proceeded to take out his wallet, intending to cover the cost of the meal they hadn't even ordered yet.

However, Hongjoong stopped him, bitterness lacing his tone, "I don't need your money." The statement took Seonghwa aback; offending Hongjoong had never been his intention. With an awkward motion, he placed his wallet back into his pocket.

Compelling a smile, Seonghwa nodded before turning to leave first. As he reached the door of the restaurant, he took his phone out and dialed his mother's number, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for both the valet to bring his car around and his mother to answer the phone.

"Hello, my darling," came his mother's sweet voice, which, under the current circumstances, didn't sound quite so sweet to him. Annoyance seeped into his tone as he half-yelled, half-whispered into the phone, "You set me up with a guy?" He quickly lowered his voice when he noticed the curious glances from people around him.

His embarrassment morphed into anger upon hearing giggles from the other end of the line, "Seonghwa, you didn't match with all the pretty girls, so I just thought you might like Hongjoong. He—"

"I'm not interested. Where did you even find him? What happened to the girl?" Seonghwa asked, pacing on the sidewalk. He could hear his mother sigh in response, "She didn't want to go on a date with you. The girls talk. You're mean." Seonghwa scoffed, not entirely surprised by his mother's feedback, yet it stung. He had never been particularly interested in pursuing a relationship, let alone marriage.

"Well," he started, but his words trailed off as he caught sight of Hongjoong talking on the phone, entering an Uber.

"Sweetie, I just want the best for you," his mother's voice tried to soothe him, even as he watched Hongjoong's Uber pass by him. Seonghwa thought they made eye contact as Hongjoong was driven away, a moment that left an unexpected pang in his chest.

"Why that guy, even if I was gay, why him?"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 19 ⏰

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