Chocolate Cake

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** Jordiscy This is not quite what you asked for but I hope you like it anyway:)**

~Sang's Point of View~

"Luke! What the hell do you think you're doing?" North snapped as Luke took a bite of the chocolate cake that was meant for dessert later that night.

"I'm just making sure it tastes good. We wouldn't want Sang to eat a something gross, now would we?" Luke said, causing a giggle to escape my lips.

I hid from North under the counter when I heard him come into the room. Unfortunately Luke was caught in the act but now I had just blown my cover.

"Sang Baby!" North yelled, shaking his head at me in disapproval as I came out of my hiding spot, holding a fork with cake remnants still on it.

"Sorry?" I said and started giggling.

"What's going on in here? Ooo! Cake!" Dr. Green said, coming into the kitchen and grabbing the fork out of my hand to take a bite of the cake.

"Yum! Good stuff. You want some North?" Dr. Green asked North.

"Come on North, just one bite. For me?" I sweetly added.

"Well if you can't beat them..." North grumbled and sighed, getting a fork and joining us.

Ghost Bird DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora