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We have less than 10 years to reverse climate change yet all of us don't take it as no threat.

We say it doesn't effect us but in reality it's happening to a few of our countries already for example hurricanes, tsunamis, flooding and extreme weather.  Maybe if its not ur countrie it's not your probelm right?

Well actually it is here is a list of places to be under the sea by 2050.
Liverpool, Southport, Blackpool, Morecambe, London, Florida, Maldives,Calfornia, hawaii, and many more is that crazy? Just less than 30 years from now apart of our countries won't exist anymore.

You still don't think this bothers you?
Well if you like sea life let's just say 90% of Marine life could disappear in the next 30 years.

Final countdown. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora