Chapter Five: Television Drama

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TW: use of profanity, smoking, mention of racism, suicidal thoughts (somewhat)

Third Person Limited: Catalina

Catalina walked down the stairs, Alastor following her closely behind. As the two walked closer to the hotel lobby, Vaggie rushed up to the two and immediately began talking.

"Where the fuck have you been-!? The comerical is about to air and Charlie's not even ba-" the door suddenly opened and Charlie stepped through, looking defeated and exhausted. Vaggie immediately ran up to her, and Alastor began walking towards the lobby tv. Catalina followed, confused.

"Al, did you guys make a new comerical?" Catalina asked, leaning against the wall to the side of the sofa next to where Alastor stood. He nodded and was about to speak up before Charlie and Vaggie walked over and sat down. Angeldust had sat on the floor, Husk was leaning against the back of the couch and Nifty was off doing Nifty things.

"You guys remade the comerical..?" Charlie asked as she sat down, and Vaggie replied with "Mhm, Alastor pulled some strings and it's about to air."

"I pulled a few limbs too!~" Alastor joked, giving a small laugh.

Catalina chuckled, "wow, you guys managed to get along long enough to film the whole thing?" she commented, which resulted in getting an elbow to the gut from Alastor.

"Shh! It's starting-!" Angeldust hushed.

"Welcome to the Hazbin Ho-" tv Vaggie said, before the screen cut off to the news channel. Everyone began to boo and Charlie's horns grew from her head out of frustration.

The Pride Ring's most popular news station had come on, and Katie Killjoy, the mantis news reporter sinner was beginning to report on the exterminations happening in 6 months instead of a year. The hotel members all seemed either in shock or confused.

"In short, we're all royally FUCKED."

"What? Why are they bumpin' the date up?" Angeldust asked, genuinely confused. Catalina's eyes narrowed at the tv in displeasure, before noticing the mortified look on Charlie's face (and Vaggie making an attempt to comfort her). The snake demoness sighed and walked off, not caring about Vaggie's shouts for her to 'get her self-centered ass back over here now'. She headed up to her room and hung up her Stetson hat and unbuttoned her vest before also hanging it up on the coatrack. She took her snakelike hair out of it's ponytail and adjusted the lapel of her undersuit and sat down on her bed. The demoness waved her hand, manifesting a pack of cigarettes. She removed one of the rolls and lit it before placing the unlit end to her lips. As soon as she did, the smoke from the cigarette transformed from grey to a pale bright green. The taste of the tobbaco and smoke in the demoness's mouth was bitter, but she was used to the taste at this point. She stayed in her room for a bit, then decided it was best to go to sleep for the night. The demoness jammed the burning end of the cigarette into her ashtray and got up from her seat in a chair to get ready for bed.


"Hey.. Do you- do you ever feel like you're a waste of space on this horrid planet..?" a woman somberly said after taking a drag of her cigarette. She looked down from the balcony at the mob of people protesting the election of a Creole man as a precinct mayor. The man standing next to her set his drink down and looked over at her. "Yes, but hasn't everyone? I mean, maybe not Roselina but she's always joyful." he said, his toothy smile bright against the tanned tones of his skin. The woman sighed and fanned her face a bit, the sweat on her face causing her black curls to stick to her skin. "Fuck, it's hot out today."

"We could head inside, it's much cooler." the man suggested, wiping sweat off of his brow. The woman shook her head, "no thanks, I'd rather watch these Caucasian bastards get all pissy over a innocent Creole man being elected into power." she smirked, insanely tempted to throw a wine bottle at th crowd. The man laughed, finding humor in her words as his own mother was Creole herself. But then again, it wasn't going to stop these people from protesting. It was a constitutional right, and it was the summer of 1928 anyway.

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