×⁕Almost lost⁕×

491 6 78

+ = Bive

~ = Split

$ = Pest

* = Gnarpy

! = MR

- = Mach

= = Pilby


At Sharkco Mall

+"Split. Are you sure this is safe?!! I don't wanna lose you!" Bive panicked.

~"Don't worry Bivey! It's not like I'm gonna get lost!" she giggled.


Split picked out a few items for her and Bive, including fake roses, decorations and notebooks as a little gift for her 'close' friend.

 'It's getting crowded,' she thought. Split tried to push herself through the crowd.

$"ああ、スプリット。 ここに来るとは思わなかった。" (Oh hey Split. I didn't expect you here.)

~"Hi Pest! What are you doing here? Pick pocketing people?" she teased.

$"うーん、なんだか... プーブが私をここに連れてきてくれました。 パーティーショップに彼の様子を見に行かなければなりません。 また後で。" (Uh.. kind.. of. Poob brought me here. I need to go check on him at the party store. See you later.)

~"Bye then!" she waved. Finally, she managed to push herself through the crowd.

~"Hey Bivey! Would you like to help me?" she asked nicely.

+"AGH. SURE.."

~"Thanks a bunch!" she thanked her. As they were walking into the elevator, they heard Gnarpy's voice.


~"Ah hi Gnarpy!" 

+"Be more nicer PLEASE you WEIRD THING."


~"That's un-aPEELing of you then!"

*"Your jokez are zo bad."

~"Hey! I can tell side-splitting jokes!"

*"No you can't. You are probably the worzt comedian I've ever zeen."

"Anywayz I'm gonna leave thiz ztupid elevator." After xey left, Bive could write in her notes again.



~"I.. don't know.." The elevator doors opened, revealing a burnt Space Shop with MR standing infront of the elevator door. The elevator soon filled with silence. Bive hugging Split tightly. DING

The elevator doors opened to FNARB. The telephone didn't ring however. Bive silently walked outside the elevator.

~"Bivey..?" Bive didn't reply.

"Bivey.." Bive once again was silent. She waited for Reddy to come. Loud footsteps could be heard. Reddy then peeked out of the opened metal door, ready to bite whoever was infront of them.


Split dashed onto Bive to save her from the animatronic. Bive still got injured on the head as Reddy managed to bite 1/3 of her head. Seeing the situation, MR burnt Reddy. He got closer and closer to Split and Bive, but Split kept backing up while holding Bive's bleeding head.

~"MR.. STAY BACK YOU MONSTER!" she yelled.

!"Calm down I do no harm." MR said nicely, leaning down to Bive. His bloody looking wings retreated. He held up his hand to magically heal Bive's injuries.

+"..m.. where-"


~"Calm down Bivey he healed you!"

+"I- what.?"

!"It's true little one. Now I must take my leave."


+"...strange.. he didn't.."

~"He didn't harm anyone except.."


+"Oh." The two looked at a burnt Reddy on the floor.

+"Let's head back to the elevator.." They both headed back to the elevator, nervous on what's gonna happen next.


The elevator arrived at Wheel of.

-"Oh hello fellow Extra Residents! I was looking forwards to see some people here." Mach said, spinning the wheel. The wheel landed on Fun.


Many damage balls went flying all across the room. Bive and Split managed to dodge them all.

="um.. hi Split.." Pilby said as they entered the elevator.

~"Hi Pilby! Meet Bive."

+"UHH HELLO??????"

="um.. hi! i hope we can be friends. :o)" Split and Bive started talking together. Pilby noticed how close Split and Bive's bond was. 



How can..


Be so cruel?


500 words! im proud of this.

fnarb part inspired by @TurtleTheT8rtle 's book:

'An Uneasy Feeling'

check it out. pretty cool book!

also if any of yall know the song ref then im proud of you!! </3

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