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 I was cleaning up my dorm

I remembered all of my bad memories with ex/n

And all of my good memories with bf/n

"Hey you done?" ex/n asked

"Huh oh yeah just checking some photos" I answered

"Hah, you should throw those away, they're useless!" he replied

"But they're full of memories." I said

"Yeah well, you said you like me, not bf/n, and those pictures are of bf/n and you." he said

"But th-" 

"Throw them away y/n!!" he snapped

"Ok." I didn't know what to say

I was about to cry

Ex/n is so controlling

I can't even do anything about it anymore

Ex/n thinks I like him

Bf/n probably thinks I hate him

Oh what do I do...

I should have known ex/n was gonna be a bad person

I mean yeah, I get that it's weird to have a photo of your ex (bf/n)

But. You don't need to get mad at me.

It's so annoyingg

I-I want to disappear 

My life is going so wrong right now



Time to clean the dorm

Oh y/n's here

"Oh, hello" I said

"Hello.." she answered sadly

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Well ex/n is ju-" she stopped

And I realized why

ex/n came

"Why are you here?" he asked

"To pack my stuff duh" I replied

"Well do it quickly, I don't want you near y/n anymore" He said

"Ok jeez" I replied

as soon as ex/n went out

I asked y/n what she was going to say

"Ex/n might come back. Can we talk about this next week? I have a full week and I know a place that ex/n doesn't know about, I'll give the address" y/n whispered

I nodded

Oh wait no.

I-I'm dating r/n

I can't fall for y/n again!

But I can't leave her like this

I swear this cannot get any worse

"Well uh bye. R/n's calling me" I said

Oh shoot, why'd I have to say r/n was calling me.

"Oh ok" she replied



"Don't even try to talk to bf/n, y/n" I said

"Huh what do you mean?" y/n asked

"I heard you the other day, DON'T EVEN TRY." I snapped

"...Ok" she replied



Two days until I meet bf/n

I told ex/n I "wasn't" meeting him but. 

He's the only one that understands me, well at least he used to



"Hey bf/n, you were talking to y/n the other day?" I asked

"Yeah, but how do you know about that?" he asked

"Ex/n told me." I answered

"Are you mad?" he said

"No, I trust that you won't cheat on me. Ex/n seemed really pissed though" I replied

"R/n, I told y/n I would listen to her problems, so can I meet her at this place? You can come if you want, you know I like helping others, especially emotionally" he said

People do call him the "therapist friend"

"Is it her place?" I asked 

"No, it's a cafe that isn't well-known" he said

"Okay I'll come with" I replied



It's my last English class of the school year, luckily it's with y/n, no ex/n or r/n

I can tell her about r/n coming along

"Y/n?" I called


" Can r/n come along? She just wants to make sure I'm not cheating" I asked

"Yeah sure" she said



Oh he has a girlfriend..

That's fine, I don't expect to get back with him,

I'd rather be single than be with ex/n anyways

You're still in love with me? (in a bad way)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz