Joining University

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PEARL[27 January 2023]
Walking through the corridor,the atmosphere was full of chaos. Banging of lockers,voices of people,screaming and running. My steps came to a halt when I realised I was just beside my locker. I turned to it and opened it to grab out my required things. My gaze fell on the small mirror that I had placed in the locker to look at my reflection every morning before classes. I was looking at myself when my eyes met with another pair of familiar eyes through the mirror standing at the back but a bit far away from me. I knew these eyes,the same blue-hazel eyes that used to look into me with love and affection but soon left me forever.The eyes were his but it was not him. I was lost but the ringing of bell brought the person to his senses. He immediately looked away and left the corridor. I wiped my tears that were on the urge to escape out of my eyes and gathered my things. I hurriedly walked to my lecture room and finally stopped in front of the door. I took a deep breathe and gathered myself. I softly pushed the door wide open and saw students busy with themselves as the lecturer was yet to arrive. My eyes searched for an empty space in the rows and found one near a girl busy in writing something. I walked there as the girl looked at me,roundish-almond eyes,light brown iris,small nose,flushed cheeks with dimple,brown hair and a small yet pretty smile. "May I?" I asked pointing to the empty seat that I hoped wasn't reserved for someone else. She nodded as her smile grew wider making her dimples deeper. "Celestine" she said stretching out her hand expecting a handshake. "Oh! Pearl" I smiled lightly while returning the handshake. "I feel great that I got a friend already." she said and I replied "Likewise!"

The Eyes That I Met AgainWhere stories live. Discover now