The Beginning.

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In another universe, Hermione would have stayed with her parents, Neville with his gran and Harry with the Dursleys. They would come to Hogwarts bullied, abused and nervous, and, through sheer dumb luck, would defeat the Dark Lord. In this universe however...

Aziraphale and Crowley were in Hampstead when a young, black, wild-haired girl dashed out of a house crying. They could feel the magic pooling off her.

They made inquiries and discovered that she had shown her parents her 'magic levitation' trick and they had hit her and thrown her out. Both were furious, magic was to be treasured not to be scolded for, Crowley went intimidating her parents and the two adopted her. Hermione.J.Crowley-Fell was a welcome addition to their house in Tadfield, and the smart girl quickly made friends with  Adam and the Them, Pepper especially.

Neville Longbottom was thrown out of the window by his (slightly mad) uncle. Instead of bouncing, he accidentally apparated to Cell 153 in Azkaban, in the Black Row where Bellatrix Lestrange was. She was over the moon to see him and told him her story. She had never been a follower of Voldemort,  she had hated him and fought with Lily and Alice throughout the war. Then Lily died and Alice was tortured, she, Rodolphus and Rabastan went to help but they ended up in prison and  they never got a trial.

She was very upset about the way Augusta had treated him, so offered for him to stay here. The company wasn't bad, Sirius, Rodolphus and Rabastan shared the row with her and all three were similarly innocent. As the Dementors didn't affect the innocent as much, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. He agreed and all were very happy, he was never called a squib and got to learn wandless magic, their days were brightened up by him squeezing through cell bars and visiting them, though he spent the most time with Bellatrix.

Loki remembered a promise he had made to a follower of his, a flame haired witch with piercing green eyes not dissimilar to his own. He took the Bifrost down to where her son lived, a dreadful place named Privet Drive. He was appalled at how the boy was treated and instantly got him out and back to Asgard, sending nightmares to torment the Dursleys as he left.

Then he explained to the kid, Harry; who he was, who Harry himself was, what he could remember about James, Lily, Remus and Sirius, all followers of his. After this he slowly came to the realisation that he had no clue how to raise a child, let alone a Wixen one.

So he sent a message to Sirius for the Wixen part and then called an old friend of his, one who had spent  seven years looking after a child! Albeit the wrong one, but still... As it happened, Crowley had recently adopted a child himself, a young witch around Harry's age called Hermione.

When he teleported to Sirius he found two things, 1, he, his cousin, his cousin's husband and his cousin's husband's brother, were all wrongfully imprisoned. 2, said cousin had also adopted a child, a wizard the same age as Harry named Neville.

Then he had a genius plan. He created clones of Sirius and Family, then moved the real ones to a lovely house, right near his new lovely house
(it may be worth noticing that neither house had been there an hour before)
in Tadfield! So, Harry, Hermione and Neville could grow up together! Children needed friends, didn't they?


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Next time will be the start of Harry, Hermione and Neville growing up.



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