Miyamoto.: So you aren't her slave?

Riku.: Slavery ended you moron.

Sakurako.: I won't mind if it came back.

Sakurako.: Hi! We are here to find potentional partners for our class.

Ichinose.: Everyone is welcomed here! Except thoose that are like that previous guy.

Riku.: Who? Hosen? Don't worry about him, he is just a brute. You should worry about the bounty on your heads more

Ayanokouji.: Bounty?

Professor.: Yeah, it's a snack that Miyamoto here enjoys.

Sakurako.: Anos Voldigoad, Tokisaki Kurumi, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka have 50.000.000PP and 500CP on their heads each. Whoever expells them wins the reward.

Ayanokouji.: (I feel a bit jealous that I was only wanted for 20 million)

Anos.: Well that's a new one. (Not really I just read Tsukushiro's mind so I knew it).

Atsuomi.: Tsuki?

Tsukushiro.: Not you too!

Atsuomi.: Why was he allowed to read your mind?

Tsukushiro.: Do I look like god to you?

Ichinose.: Why them? And is this even legal?

Sae.: I have to check that with the higher ups. *goes out*

Ichinose.: Well, we have to find partners... what if we make a small festival in one of the GYM and invite the 1st years. Maybe they will more likely want to Co-operate with us that way.

Chihiro.: Yeah! Nice plan Honami! With the spirit of friendsip everything is possible

Ryueen.: I almost threw up there. Please don't say such haram things.

Ryueen.: (I almost threw up there)

*timeskip to next day*
Ayanokouji's pov.:

Well new year already spilled out it's intentions, which are troublesome to me and many other in my class.

Suzune.: No shit Gloomykouji.

Honami's plan for the upcoming exam was executed just today. We secured our partners. Ichinose got that Sakurako girl and someone elses, while I got Riku and some other boys from class 1B.

The remaining few days to choose a partner could therefore be used up to worry about other things like what will be on the test. Who am I kidding ofcourse we bought the exam's test paper from Nazuna at a huge price of me and her sleeping in the same room.

Nazuna.: *proud Nazuna noises*

So we don't have to worry and we could sell our test papers to other classes in the name of profit and friendship.

*timeskip to results*

Kei.: (finally! Why waste time about the test questsions when we can skip it?)

Sae.: I am not going to waste your times so here are the results my students.

1st Place.: Anos+Ishigami+ 2 randoms

2nd Place.: Ayanokouji+Riku+ 2 randoms

3rd Place.: Kurumi+ Nanase+ 2 randoms

4rt Place.: Ichinose+Sakurako+ 2 randoms

Expelled.: no-one.

Well that's great for some people. However I believe thoose first years will go after us soon enough. Maybe in another exam. Hopefully that won't be in the near future

Amikura.: No-one is expelled? YAY!

Random classmates.: YAY!

Ryueen.: (We don't get points?)

Ryueen.: Yeah! Give me my money or I will become Trevor Philips!

Professor.: Drunk murdering maniac?

Hosen.: Well I in that case I'm Franklin and I will choose OPTION B.

-chapter ends-

Reaction.: Existence in COTEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें