Even if their assistance could help, she especially knew better than that. This was a personal matter, and although Charlie would potentially disagree with her methods, it was all to protect her from that monster. And so today, she had taken it upon herself to take it a step further and cross a line she once swore she'd never step over again. Brandishing her Angelic Spear once more, she donned a Makeshift Exorcist armor and Lute's damaged Mask in an attempt to look intimidating. In the dead of night, Alastor wandered the halls, fully incapable of sleeping like a normal person. And why rest at all? When that time could be much better spent lurking through the halls and enjoying his own Radio broadcasts.

However, that walk had been interrupted by an abrupt this from behind him, accompanied by someone saying ow before picking themselves up. He turned to see his dear associate in quite a bizarre uniform, making sure it wasn't damaged. "Lurking? At this hour? And here I was convinced no one could relate! Tell me, what activities might you partake in the dead of night? Surely none of that wacky noise you refer to as 'anime'." Alastor replied with air quotes, poking at the fact Vaggie was known to sneak into the Main Lobby late at night and slip some of her favorite Anime into the DVD player besides the TV. Until now, she genuinely believed no one but herself was privy to this. Looks like she'll have to be more secretive about it.

But now is not the time for distractions. She held the Spear outwards, taking a step towards the Radio Demon. "Dead air, is it? Then could you be so generous as to explain why you've dressed so poorly, brandishing a Spear towards me?" Alastor's questioning persisted, wondering what might've provoked her to display such strange behavior. "I am sick of your shit, you egotistical piece of yesterday's news! We let you stay here, knowing all you wanted to do was watch us fail to run this place! But the second Lucifer came into the picture, you realized we might not need you anymore. So what do you do? Drag Charlie into your twisted fucking games, like some kind of get out of jail free card!"

Vaggie had thrown together an entire assumption on what could've possibly motivated him. Alastor didn't bother to correct her, moreso curious on where exactly Vaggie was going with the news. "You are going to let Charlie go, now! And never even think about fucking with her or me again!" She demanded, stepping ever so closer to the Radio Demon. She kept some distance, to avoid any traps or tricks the Overlord might spring while seemingly so unfazed by her threats. "Oh! That's what you wanted? Quite the eccentric delivery for such a trivial request, haha! But I'm afraid there's no undoing what is done." Alastor ended off his response almost plainly, a complete contrast to the amused and joyful voice carrying his words prior.

"Bullshit! You made the deal, you can let her go! I've lived long enough to see right through this 'no second chances' bullshit, and all that fake bravado you fancied pricks toss around like Candy to convince your slaves it's hopeless. So drop the act, shitass!" Vaggie wasn't about to just fuck off from Alastor's little manipulative tactics. Every Overlord has them, customizing them to suite their own personalities and ideals. "And what if all that's true? You've not provided even a single attempt at persuasion! And you know I'd be delighted to exchange her contract for something of equal value, now how's that sound?" That was just Alastor's way of saying he'd be more than happy to exchange contracts, if Vaggie was willing to take her place in his schemes.

"Oh persuasion? You want persuasion, asshole?! How about me not shoving my Spear between your eyes?!" Vaggie's threat, while just blurted out of anger on the surface, held more meaning than most would realize. She'd notice that every time he went creepy or something similar, there was a peculiar little red X that formed right between his eyes, close to the forehead. It didn't match up with all the Voodoo symbols Alastor flashed around, giving her the impression its existence held more meaning than it appeared. And despite that, even he didn't catch onto the implications of her comment. "Threatening Hotel Staff? That's not very saintly of you. What happened to kindness?" That was probably the most predictable response Alastor could muster.

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