"low self confidence"

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I grew up with very low self confidence. There are so many insecurities in life that I insult myself as well. so sometimes I'm shy to face a lot of people, I'm afraid of making a mistake, being judged or laughed at. every time I want to do something I always think "can I do it?" don't do it, I can't do it" then when I see someone talented I always keep saying "I hope I'm that good" all I can do is blame myself for not being good enough.

Pulling my thoughts in and out of social anxiety and depression, my eating disorder destroyed my mind, leading my self-harm to destroy my body. My scar fills my legs and arms, trying to tell me who I am. They whisper to me saying, "You're Worthless", trying to manipulate my mind along with the eating disorders, to harm myself even more. Since I'm a super hero, I defeat my enemies and gained their power. It made me stronger than I ever was before. Overpowering my hard nemesis alone it makes me proud to be who I am. Though I'm hard to understand; I'm brave and I'll do anything it takes to get what I want.

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