CHAPTER ONE: the crystal

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A report was sent to the Knights of Favonius: an adventurer had spotted a large domain just under the snowy mountain of Dragonspine. The domain was more dangerous than the normal ones around Mondstadt, having more than a thousand hilichurs residing in it. Jean decided to go there personally since it was supposedly so dangerous. She put together and large group of knights and then a main group that consisted of her, Kaeya, Lisa, and the honorary knight Aether. The group swiftly left the gates of Mondstadt and left for Dragonspine.

Once the team arrived at the camp, they began searching around the mountain. Hours went by and they found nothing, so Jean made a decision.

"Let's ascend the mountain. For those of us who can, we should use elemental vision to find traces of the domain."

"That sounds like a plan" Kaeya spoke coolly as he crossed his arms while standing next to her.

Jean lead the group of soldiers up the mountain. They had made it up the mountain and stopped when they were just below the statue of the seven. Jean, Lisa, Kaeya, Aether, and the soldiers defeated all Hilichurls and Mitachurls that were in the area, so then began to took around. Lisa noticed something strange about the place they were looking.

"Look, on the pillars. There is a mechanism. Perhaps that is of some importance?"

Lisa points at all four mechanisms on the pillars around them. Aether tries to activate the mechanisms one by one, but this strategy fails.

Kaeya suggests that four people climb up and activate them together. They agree to do so, and four soldiers climb up and activate the mechanisms together. A precious chest appears from thin air. Along with that, the wall of the mountain started disappearing, revealing the mysterious cave.

The group cautiously enters the cave. The single path was twisty and narrow as it got closer to the main area. Once they made it to the center of the cave, they were amazed at what they saw. The area was covered in a glowing blue crystal. It shined and flowed like a million stars. While everyone was looking around, a mitachurl suddenly attacked with a large axe. The soldiers dodged quickly, some barely escaping. Suddenly a large horde of hilichurls and mitachurls came from other areas of the cave. They were all surrounded by monsters.

The battle had been fought for what seemed like hours, and they had only one enemy left. Many soldiers had been badly injured by the hilichurls, and the only people who were still fighting were Jean, Lisa, Kaeya, and Aether. The last thing to defeat was a large crystallized human-like creature.

"What the hell is that thing! I've never seen anything like it before."

A soldier said before trying to attack it. It used its large crystal hands to smack the soldier away.

It was more powerful than it looked. Jean used her ultimate and healed the people around her. She was determined to defeat this creature and keep her people safe. Aether used his geo ultimate to push the creature back far enough for Lisa to shock him with her ultimate and not shock anyone else on accident.

It took a while, but the monster was finally defeated. Kaeya did the final blow by striking the creature right in the chest, which cracked its crystal shell. The monster fell apart and its crystal body shattered on the ground. They all fell to the floor with relief as the battle was finally over.

While they celebrated silently, a loud crack was heard from above. They all thought that another wave was coming, so they panicked. Then, the crystal ceiling shattered. The group watched as a figure falls from the ceiling. Aether acted swiftly and ran up the cave wall and jumped to catch their feminine figure. Once he landed on the ground, he looked down to see a beautiful white haired girl. She was wearing a black bodysuit and there were black vine like things on her calves. She also had pretty white eyelashes. Aether looked at the rest of the group, unsure what to do next.

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