sue and the minorities

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sue and the minorities where peacefully practicing for sectionals until a problem struck there standing in the door way was shelby corcorcan the leader of vocal adrenaline their enemys just for shelby to reveal that she was rachels mother (rachel was practicing with sue because mr shue wasn't there) everyone collectively gasped rachel then broke down in tears and ran out of the room everyone then accused shelby of lying and trying to get rachel on her team so new directions would lose shelby then when running after rachel telling rachel that she didnt want anything from her she just wanted to meet her and she didnt want to pursue a relationship unless rachel did rachel then tells shelby she'll call her shelby then leaves and rachel goes back to the choir room where everyone is asking if shes gonna join local adrenaline she says she doesn't know

glee and the enemyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt