Chapter 1

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Thirteen years later...

You are (Y/N)... Hoshigaki.

Your lips stretched wide with a yawn as you awoke. Yet another day hiding out within the Mist Village. Officials never ordered your grandfather's hideout to be torn down, so that's where you stayed. A hidden building on one of the smaller islands close to Kiri. It took a few minutes but you finally rolled out of the cot you slept in. Looking around, the place was dusty. It hadn't been cleaned in decades so of course it would be. Glancing over, the files you found under the floorboards days ago still lay on the table. The contents shocked you when you read them, but gave you a purpose to fulfill. Your grandfather never retrieved one of the seven blades. So...

You would.

Hearing an explosion go off, you strolled to the window and brushed the black curtain to the side. Those kid's from Konoha were fighting Shizuma Hoshigaki's crew. The flak jackets left behind by the ANBU were to big for you, so instead you tore down the curtain, and wrapped it around your shoulders. Tying a knot over your chest, the makeshift robe stayed put nicely over top of your blue t-shirt. Your mothers chokuto was tight against your back, its hilt stick out behind your right shoulder. Your hair, as normal, was short but spiked. It all leaned to the left, due to how you brushed it with your hands every morning. You slipped your black sandals on, and tied your mother's rogue headband around your forehead before leaving the hideout.

Taking a small boat, you paddled yourself to the cliffside. Scaling it turned out to be easier than expected and you rose quickly. Finally you lunged onto the top, your feet landing in green grass once again in a kneel. Your head raised, and you attempted to look around. However, Shizuma's Blood Mist Barrier hindered your sight.

So you closed your eyes...

When they reopened...

You scanned the field with your two-tomoe Sharingan.

Shizuma was still active, of course. His chakra filled the Blood Mist, also blinding you from his location. He wasn't what you were here for anyways. You noticed four separate entities of chakra near each other, though one did not fight. Where the other three were striking must be where Shizuma was. You stood, and began to run. Still, you scanned for other chakras. This was the perfect time to take one of the blades.

The horrifying roars of the Samehada screamed behind you, Shizuma must be wielding it. Good, you didnt want anywhere near that particular sword. You focused on what was infront of you as soon as a flicker of chakra entered your sight. Slowing down, you slid to a stop behind a tree. ANBU guarded both the New Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and their blades in seperate positions.

You decided to climb the tree, then crawl out on one of the thicker branches. You were sitting just above the blades.

A plan came to mind that made things seem just too easy...

"Water Clone Jutsu..." You whispered, using the moisture of the tree to summon three clones.

Digging in your pocket, you produced three scrolls which you would then throw. All of them would pop, and release an insane amount of water.

Your clones seemed to melt back into the tree, however, they simply used the Hidden in Water Jutsu. They came up behind each of the ANBU guards. Before they could react...

"Water Prison Jutsu!"
"Water Prison Jutsu!"
"Water Prison Jutsu!"

Hopping out of your hiding spot, you glanced at each of the guards. Some ANBU they were, being trapped like this. You casually walked to a particularly interesting blade, and grasped its handle.

The Execution Blade famously wielded by Zabuza Momochi.

Your attention returned to the guards as you heard one break the prison.

With the Sharingan enhancing your ability you dodged his attack.

"What?!" He said, before you spun around, sword in hand, decapitating him. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. A small chuckle escaped as you realized you were more excited than you realized.

"Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu." You said, raising a mist to hide you and your escape. However, the other two guards still lived. Once you were at the cliff again, you turned, looking up to the mist where your clones held the guards in water prisons. Foldings your hands together, you activated a final jutsu.

"Water Clone Detonation."

With that, two explosions rang out through Kirigakure. You turned and made to climb down to your boat once again. However, you looked back. Something interesting caught your eye. A girls figure, jet black hair, and the symbol of the Uchiha on her shirt.

When she looked in your direction, you couldn't force yourself to look away. She would see your Sharingan, and by her reaction you knew she possessed them as well.

Very interesting indeed...

Y/n Uchiha ( A Boruto Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon