> Part 4 <

55 0 0

word count: 1,132
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3. 31.24

It's been days since that weird thing happened and he hasn't let out a peep.
Anything I correct or comment he just takes it or walks away

It looks like god finally heard my complaints! Fufufu. I finally feel like a real manager


But like at the same time I kinda feel bad.. even if he is a pain in my butt. 

The coffee shop has been getting a bit busier now that a lot of people know that the predecessor of the Kim family works here. A lot of publicity

I even saw Song-I drop by for a cup of coffee for the first time!

You know, speaking of Song-I .. she said that this whole week she won't be able to drop me off. Apparently she's going back to her moms house over her winter break .

Back to the bus it is huh..
It's better than walking I guess!

"Hey lady! Will you finish cleaning the table? My wife and I need a place to sit" an older man yells with his beloved next to him.

I quickly turn my head in that direction, as I felt a sweat drop off my face.
Old people are the worst to deal with..

"I'm so sorry sir! Right away" I scrub the table twice as hard as I did before.

He sucks on his teeth, "these young people don't understand hard work".

A tall shadow covers them, suppressing them in darkness.

"I have a seat open over here ma'am" a deep familiar voice

The lady smiles, "thank you that would be lovely".  The husband gulps a bit, just from looking at the 6"5 figure.

The eerie aura went back to a calmer mood as the older lady took his hand and they followed them to their table.

I mouthed him "thank you" but all he ignored it.

one less headache handled

It seems like he's pretty useful after all!
It's so much easier to run a coffee shop when there's two of you.


"That was so embarrassing! Father why did you make me work here! Whats the purpose!" I shout, but all he could do it drink his tea.

"Ah Cheol, soon you understand. If you are to run the company, it requires empathy and kindness. And that is what you lack. This job will help you find it" he politely says.

My teeth start to grind a bit

"We've gone over this so many times. You'll thank me in the future".

"The future? There is no future for me! It's been outed on the news and it's very public that I'm working there! It's so humiliating."
I run out of breath, shouting it out.

my father stares at me in silence, as if that does anything.

"Well ? Say something!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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