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Btw i suck at eng so bare with me




Aether the traveler visited wangshu in for little bit of rest before going to monstadt

there an event that he need to attend because hes honray knight
Paimon the traveler emergency food-....the guide i mean was at xiang ling father restourant

xiang ling babysit paimon just a days aftet that she will go adventure with traveler again

aether Pov

"ver goddet is xiao here?"
I ask her and she said he was here so i go to the kitchen and cook some almond tofu and go
to met xiao

"xiao?"i shout his name and not even a second hes behind me

"you call?"He said to me with his usuall tone

i smile softly and give him the almond tofu that i cook

"...thanks" he said so low but i still could hear it"wheres that floting girl? why is she wasnt with you?"He said to me,his tone were worried or rather confuse

"I ask xiang ling to take care her for me since im only goes to monstadt for 2 days"

"i see..."

after a while xiao already finish his almond tofu and continue chating hes asking me alot about my journey and then something unexpect thing happens

"Hey xiao...wheres is this Black smoke comming from..?!"I shock because it was suddenly happening
is it the fatui? the dark red agent?? the smoke are also have smell
...the smell making me felt dizzy
....shit...i cant sense xiao anywhere

"Xiao?...XIAO?!..."its quite...
and dark...i cant see anything..
shit...i felt world are spinning and dizzy...ugh

before i can realize i Passed out



Venti pov

"one dandelion wine please."
i ask the darknight hero or should i said diluc

"no.the tavern are close now for an event coming up.So leave."
he said with normal tone

"Oh what kind of event?"
i ask diluc but he seems like doesnt know either.Wierd

"i dont know.kaeya just tell me that honray knight want to use the tavern for the event. i actually refuse but he keep asking me plenty of times so i give him the primison."
diluc said while sweatdrop

"i see2 then I'ii go see you later master dilucc!" i said while running to the door and goes out.I goes to symboll of monstad and enjoy the scennery
but suddenly i felt dizzy...
and then theres black smokes everywhere making me jump and use my anemo power to clear the smoke
but look like
the smoke getting bigger
its not from people because i
sense power in the black smoke
but before i can do anything

someone knock me up and i pass out...i was weak at that time.


(i forgot what time is the attack happens in usj or usg whatever i dont want to rewatch so...i search on google ig)

Xiao pov

i woke up at the strange place...
Oh yeah traveler!?wheres is he... oh hes infront of me....thanks fath-

i mean thanks lord moraxx for protecting him.

(meanwhile with zhongli)

"I felt like someone talking about me.."

"I mean youre the geo archon ofcourse everyone talk about you"
childe said while drinks his tea

"no but this is diffrent...suddenly i felt proud"

"Uhhh okay?"


back to xiao pov

"traveler!traveler woke up!" I heard a groans from traveler and he woke up from his slumber.

"huh...where are we?.."traveler ask me while confuse and worried

"i dont know but we should be carefull."i tell him to be carefull but...i know he wouldnt be carefull after hearing his story...fighting god of electro,fighting a god wannabe
and fighting a giant whale sooo many unlucky thing he goes through.

"yeah i'ii be carefull"


Aaaaaandddd that was a biggest lied that xiao hears from his bestie.


"i dont think this is inazuman."

" a detective i need to investigate this"

rolls eye " tch why did i stuck with inazuman boys.." *sigh*


{if yall want to add ship sure ig just tell meee and charater i will use Aree}

-venti{God of freedom}
-kazuha{another traveler}

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 28 ⏰

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