Chapter 105-108

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  At the same time, the hyena king roared, and the hyena group roared at the same time after receiving the order. The sound was so loud that it penetrated the clouds and cracked stones into the minds of the combatants on the city wall. The combatants suddenly felt as if they had been hit hard, and their brains were on fire. They groaned, bloodshot eyes appeared, and madness crawled onto their faces.

  Just when they were about to lose control of themselves, waves of gentle spiritual power rushed into their spiritual sea along their outward spiritual threads, extinguishing the raging fire in the spiritual sea and allowing them to regain their sanity.

  It was the healers headed by Ruan Sui. Their timely intervention not only suppressed the hyena group's mentally chaotic attacks, but also made them clearer and clearer, allowing them to observe the mutants' offensive more microscopically.

  Seeing that his plan failed, the Hyena King raised his head to the sky and howled again. The hyena group obeyed the order and jumped directly towards the city wall using the thousands of vines of the Ghost King Vine as a springboard. Behind them were the ghost wolves that had just arrived.

  The attack power of the ghost wolf is not comparable to that of the hyena, and the lowest level is A level. They are green in color, five meters long, and have hair like steel needles. After reaching S level, they can spit out cyan wind blades from their mouths.

  Their scarlet eyes stared ferociously at the combatants on the city wall, and their fangs flashed with a cold light as they pounced directly on the combatants on the city wall!

  The city wall of Base 6 is fifty meters high. The ghost king vines alone cannot allow hyenas or ghost wolves to jump directly to the top of the city.

  However, just when they were about to fall, the wolf stepped on the hyena that was also rushing towards the city wall, and continued to jump upward using the hyena's body as a springboard, not caring that the hyena that he used as a springboard fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of flesh.

  Soon, countless hyenas' smashed meat was piled half a meter high under the city wall. The roots of the Ghost King Vine quickly emerged from the ground and plunged into the hyena's smashed meat, sucking the energy inside crazily. In the blink of an eye, several more flowers The buds are generated and aligned with the solid, thick walls of the base.

  Immediately afterwards, several ghost king vines hit and sprayed fire towards a corner of the city wall. The saw-toothed spider raised its forelimbs as sharp as a saw and swung it down hard between the sprays of the Ghost King Vine!

  Immediately, bursts of "squeaking" sounds, like weapons sliding across rough stones, reached everyone's ears, making people feel sad.

  The wall that had been corroded by the strong acid of the Ghost King Vine was attacked by the saw-toothed spider, and knife marks began to appear. When the strong acid fell here again, the wounds on the city wall suddenly deepened.

  This group of mutants are actually uniting to break through the solid city wall.

  Bolton and Yan Yuan, who already knew the mutant's intentions, certainly would not let the mutant succeed. They immediately ordered the dispatch of multiple light mechas and armed aircraft to attack the saw-tooth spiders that were destroying crazily under the city wall.

  The Ghost King Vine is attracted by the artillery fire on the city wall, and the remaining 20% ​​of the electromagnetic shield is activated at the same time.

  From the Stygian Wolf using hyenas as pedals, to the Ghost King Vine sucking the blood and flesh of the hyenas and spitting out concentrated acid, to the saw-toothed spider destroying the wall, to Bolton giving the order, it seemed to take a long time, but in fact it only took a moment.

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