Chapter 7

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Scarletts pov
Ivy was released from hospital a couple of days ago thankfully and now we are all home. She has trouble going up and down the stairs with her broken leg so one of us has to help her but apart from that it's all good.

"Honey do you want some breakfast?" I ask my teenager who's watching Gilmore girls "no thanks" I sit next to her and pull her into my side "you need to drink something then" she shakes her head "sweetheart the doctor said you need to drink something to get better" "I am better, it's just my leg that not" why's she so stubborn? We watch the Gilmore girls together until the end of the episode when I turn it off "hey!' "sorry but you need something to drink" she shakes her head and stands up and jumps around the lounge using her crutches "no".  I follow her to the kitchen and watch whilst she struggles to get the bread out "do you want some help?' I ask getting a plate "no I'm fine. At home I did it all myself" she takes the plate from me and puts it on the side. "Ivy I know your angry and frustrated with me-" "really? I wouldn't know why" she bites into the plain but of bread with no butter or anything on it "how many time do I have to tell you I'm sorry before you listen hm?" "I don't know Scarlett, maybe when you let me go back home. I don't like LA and I want to go back to my house and to my things".

Ivy's pov
I'm currently in my room sitting on my bed on my phone whilst the others are downstairs. I've been upstairs for like two hours now and I can hear the other downstairs. The door opens making me jump "Ivy dinners ready" Scarlett says "okay, I'll be down in a minute" I tell her "sweetheart, I'll phone your social worker after and see what's going to happen" "really? So I can go back to New York?" "Yes but we don't know how long for. It might be a couple of weeks or only enough time for you to collect your things"
She sits on the end of the bed and taps my cast with her nails "is my Ivy back yet?" She smiles and looks up at me "mmm okay!" She laughs and gets my crutches "do you want help down the stairs or can you do it?' "I can do it. Dad taught me a good way when I broke my ankle". I show her the way down the stairs "see, I did it" Scarlett smiles "so you did. You broke your ankle? How did you brake your ankle?" "It's a long story but it was done whilst playing soccer". I follow Scarlett into the kitchen and sit at the table "Rose help me get some cutlery please" "okay" she gets up and I watch as she gets the plates out of the cupboard "what's for dinner?' "spaghetti Bolognese. Do you like it?" I nod so she smiles "with cheese?' I nod again "perfect. Your definitely part of this family then" "mom doesn't eat cheese but she likes people who do. I'm not sure how that works but it's whatever" rose tells me putting the plates down.

Colin joins us at the table and we all start to eat dinner. "I won't be here tomorrow evening remember?" He asks and Scarlett puts her fork down "shit-i mean I forgot. SNL again, Colin works for Saturday night live. Have you seen it before?" "A little, I didn't watch it but dad used to. Sometimes when I came downstairs he was watching it but I didn't see you" Colin nods "I'm not on it all the time". "Chris and Lizzie are coming tomorrow for dinner" Scarlett says "oh, are they your friends you were talking about in hospital?'  she nods and tightens her pony tail. Dinner ends and the others tidy away since I'm disabled at the moment "Ivy remember your meds honey. Here" Scarlett tips the pills into my hands and gives me a glass of water "thanks" she smiles softly and strokes my hair "it will be over soon" "yeah. Can you ask Katherine?" She nods "yeah, I'll call her now".

Scarletts pov
I find my phone and go upstairs into my bedroom so noone can hear me, especially not Ivy. The phone rings a couple of times until Katherine answers "hello" "hi, it's Scarlett" "hi Scarlett, can I help you with anything?" "Sorry for calling you but yes. Ivy wants to go back to Manhattan but I'm not sure what's happening. Noone told me anything" "oh really? James my manager should have called. Your now her legal guardian" my eyes fill with tears causing me to choke "Scarlett are you alright?" I wipe my eyes "y-yes I'm fine. That's amazing, thank you" "your welcome. Your now her legal guardian so you can choose what happens. Ivy will go to Manhattan to collect her things and say bye to her dad and her friends and live with you or all of that will happen and she goes into foster care. It's your choice Scarlett" "I want her" I say quickly "okay then it will be the first option. We'll book a date when Ivy's better" "thank you" "don't thank me, it's what I do". I end the call and walk down the stairs slowly "what did she say?" Ivy asks with a wide smile "where are your crutches?" "In the lounge, I was too excited to get them" "your so cute but so naughty" I run my hands through her hair whilst she looks up at me with her big eyes "she said alot of things like hello, can, anything, Ivy, your, her-" "Scarlett seriously" i laugh and nod "she said you can go to Manhattan" "really?! How long?" "I'm not sure yet. I um I'm now your legal guardian so I guess we'll have to think about it together" she leaps into me and hugs me tightly "thank you thank you thank you" I put my arms around her aswell and kiss the top of her head "your welcome sweetheart, I love you and as your mom I'll do everything in my power to make your happy".

Ivy's pov
I get ready for bed and go across the landing into Roses room "hi" she looks up and smiles "oh hi, are you alright?" "Yeah, I've got prom in two months " she turns around on the chair "in New York?' "yeah, my teacher emailed me and said I can still go. Do you think Scarlett will let me go?" Rose smiles "well do you have a date?' I feel my cheeks redden "I'm not telling you" "you dooo. Your cheeks are rosy like mom's when she's lying" "well done you think she'll let me go?' Rose nods "only if you make her a cake" "seriously?" She nods "yup". "Ivy are you in bed?!" Scarlett shouts up the stairs "uh yeah!" i call and quickly jump back to my room using the crutches. I get into the bed and pull the covers up to make myself warm and toasty "Ivy Melanie, are you in bed?" The door opens and Scarlett peaks her head around with a smile "good job. Do you want this light off?' I nod so she turns it off making my room dark "why did you call me Melanie?' I ask as she sits Infront of me "it's your middle name. Ivy Melanie. Melanie's my mom's name as you know and Roses middle name is Dorothy after my grandmother" " I didn't know that" she smiles and nods "pretty special names you've both got. I love you, see you tomorrow" she kisses my forehead and moves my hair out of my eyes "goodnight" I say back and watch as she leaves "remember Chris and Lizzie are coming tomorrow for dinner" I nod and smile watching her close the door "...wait Scarlett' she opens the door "I'm sorry for not being very nice" she smiles "Ivy your perfect just the way you are. I'll see you tomorrow".

Next Morning

Scarletts pov
I wake up to Ivy sleeping beside me, I don't know what to do so I just put my arm over her and tuck the duvet around her. I smell her hair and close my eyes making the most of my baby in my arms.

I wake up before Ivy and get ready for the day leaving her and Colin in bed sleeping. I brush my hair Infront of the mirror and watch as she sleepily wakes up and rubs her eyes. "Good morning" she has a big stretch and sits up "morning" she croaks back "you okay sweetheart?" She frowns a little "..I had a bad dream' I stop brushing my hair and walk over to her "do you want to talk about it?' she shakes her head so I leave it "I'm always here if you want to talk okay?" She nods and scratches her head "anyone want any breakfast?' Colin asks waking up "me" "me too" he  laughs and gets out of bed and gives me a quick kiss "pancakes it is". "Scarlett is it okay if I go and get dressed?' "of course it is honey, you don't need to ask"  "oh okay" she gets off the bed and jumps out the room with her crutches "remember breakfast won't be too long" "ok" she smiles

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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