CHAPTER 12 𓍯๋࣭ ⭑𐙚

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Alfons was in charge of experimenting on Grim today, he would be doing it first time and felt thrilled at the chance; since they arrived at Twisted Wonderland he was quite amazed to know about magic being a normal part of its occupants' lives, this world is a real-life fairytale.

"Hmm," His brows furrowed curiously, observing their captive in the middle of the magic circle and surrounded by floating crystals–these are holding Grim back, disarming any thoughts about attacking Alfons.

The chains attached to the wall with shackles encasing Grim had electricity flowing out of it continuously. His scream was nothing bothersome to Alfons, he observed without guilt and remorse.

Grim found it hard to stay awake, they weren't feeding him delicious meals–everything Ellis brought him the past weeks were freaking granola bars and the bastard William Rex decided it was funny to bring him dog food. To say Grim became livid was an understatement.

"Ngghh...I w-will give this back to y'all bastards tenfolds I swear..." He couldn't lose consciousness now, what if he didn't wake up again?

As for the tall dark blue-haired man Alfons, his amusement towards Grim increased. "I can tell you are in pain but you are not bearing any scratches or burns, what a unique specimen you are, could it be that you are a rare living artifact?" A hand was placed under his chin.

"Same thing Dalim told me, I am sick of being treated like an object for your tests, you sick humans" Grim retorted sharply amidst the electricity but everything Alfons spoke of was correct–he wasn't bearing any scratches but he felt the pain. This magic coming from Cradle gemstones is only making his magic circuit stronger. Hang on why are they using crystals from Cradle? Don't tell me...

The doors burst open, a wide-eyed Ellis was frantic as he stepped forward, "Alfons! You got some explaining to do!" He collared him.

Alfons was in disbelief, "Mate, what the hell? I didn't bring any women this week without Victor's permission!" He explained already because it was what they usually accused him of.

"No, you oaf! Where is Riddle?! He wasn't in the dungeon!" Ellis gritted his teeth, they didn't know what their other capture was truly capable of and now he was gone!

Alfons stayed silent and his eyes gleamed with seriousness. "Christie was with him, I saw her bring Riddle into her room"

"Why would she?!"

"I do not care," Riddle retorted in a clip and cold tone, contrasting his sickly appearance and paling skin–his gray eyes remained fierce. He had been saying the same thing for the nth time since this woman introduced herself.

She was a slender blonde, give or take the same height as Mary with overflowing blonde hair–the shade was too bright and artificial, and her eyes were a wide doll blue. Calliope Christie Corals, sole female member of the Crown Organization. The room was messy and in a corner was a stack of crumpled artworks. This woman added that everyone here either refers to her as Christie or C3.

But as Riddle said, he didn't care.

This got Christie furrowing her brows, "You must care, Riddle, I will make your life a living hell in a span of minutes and prolong it to an hour until you request for death itself" She was great at what she does, the mysterious Queen funding their group taught her well in the arts of poison and deceit. She hadn't seen her in person though, most of their interactions were through letters.

Christie approached again, with her paintbrush dipped in a red paint mixed with ammonia and sulfur. "This is retribution for taking William's attention from me"

Before she could brush the paint on Riddle's sickly body, Ellis barged in heaving. His expression darkened with annoyance, stomping forward he snatched the paintbrush from Christie's hold and threw it on the ground. "What are you doing?! You got no direct instructions from anyone about sticking your nose in this business!" He hastily pulled the tubes off Riddle's body, and to his horror, he confirmed the poison Christie injected was the one they acquired from Cradle.

The beautiful blonde woman stood in anger and shame. "I am not wrong, as a member of this organization, I can also take part in your activities–"

"Do not stick your nose to our business!" Ellis cut her off harshly, eyes livid with irritation and he was holding himself back. "This isn't the first time, Christie, do you want me to tell Victor and have you returned inside the Black Box again?!"

Tears welled in Christie's eyes, her heartbreaking but also fueled by scorn. "Aren't you being unfair to me, Ellis? We are all equal members and yet for once neither one of you allowed me to accompany you! I've never been outside!" They brushed her off, and whenever at meetings her opinions were never heard. William paid attention when he was bored but Christie accepted it wholeheartedly because it was the closest she had as an interaction with one of them.

Ellis took a sickly and barely conscious Riddle by the side, "Shut up and just focus on your paintings, do something like this again and I will not be so merciful" He walked out without a second glance.

That was the last straw.

Something inside Christie broke like a thin cord being snapped. She shoved all the painting materials above the drawer to the side, letting it fall messily, and stained the carpeted floor. With clenched fists she began punching all the hanging frames on the walls–most of the oil artworks she made were portraits of the Crown members. Her knuckles bled but she was too mad to feel pain at the moment.

I hate you all! I hate you! I hate you!

Christie threw the chair at the window-breaking it and dropping outside, giving in to her rage-fueled impulse she climbed out of the shattered windowpane and sprinted off. Tears stained her face, making the makeup she wore grubby.

As she tripped and fell flat on her face, the bright long blonde hair detached itself and she snatched it off her head–revealing short charcoal hair. Her eyes are starting to feel uncomfortable due to crying so she recklessly took out the contact lens with her fingers and threw it on the ground.

This...They made her look like a porcelain doll because all this time she was meant as a decoration, not a member. They never saw her as an equal. Does the Queen think of the same thing?

Pushing off the ground, Christie continued running with a single thought of not returning to the Crown Organization.

Filthy shit, strangely colored blood, and some innard pieces clung onto William's clothes after performing extermination. He took a long because many goblins were using the cave mines as a dwelling and he was alone, he battled against them on his own, damn. He managed to retrieve an important piece from the creatures that would help activate the portal but his lips were grim. Annoyance, anger, and frown mixed in his features.

That woman dared to yell at him and hurt him, did Riddle mean so much to her? She is so goddamn clueless, how irksome. His thoughts were putting him in a grumpy mood as he walked his way back to their mansion headquarters. And the gall of her to run away on me!

William hated to admit it loudly drove him to the brink of rage upon knowing the extent of Riddle and Mary's love for each other. He resented their captive, he wished to get rid of the red-haired man himself.

He was damn jealous to the core. His vexation went sky high when Mary began spouting sappy stuff that her love for Riddle was forever. No, there is no such thing as a happy ending and forever, you dense Little Red. 


A/N: Overall thoughts so far? We have a couple more chapters to fill~ Thank you for reading. 

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