"Branch! Branch! Branch!" She screamed. "Branch, are you in there? Huh?"

A voice came out of the door angrily. "I'm not going to your party."

"Oh so this is where you live?" You say to Branch though the door. "It's umm nice."

"Oh umm thanks?" Said Branch. It seemed he didn't get many compliments. "I promised to make it for someone a long time ago."

"The party's over." Yelled Poppy. "We just got attacked by a Bergen."

"I knew it." Said Branch before pulling Poppy inside leaving you alone.

"Well I guess I should start packing then." You stand. "Shouldn't take too long. I only really have like three things so." You walk off towards your little spot in the forest where you keep your stuff.

-Later in the morning

"So Princess Poppy set off to rescue her other friends... confident she'd make it to Bergen Town on her own. Convinced she'd make it to Bergen Town. Um... Totally sure she'd make it to Bergen Town. Mmm... I really hope I can do it 'Cause they're all depending on me. I know that I must leave the only home I've ever known And brave the dangers of the forest Saving them before they're eaten I mean, how hard can that be?" Poppy narrated to you.

You shrugged. "Are you sure Branch didn't want to come with us?" You had heard from Poppy that morning that she had tried and failed to get Branch on board with your rescue mission. Which was a shame because you couldn't handle all of Poppy songs and shenanigans without someone there to filter it out.

"Don't worry he'll be here soon." She chirped happily.

"Wait what do you mean by that?" You ask.

"You know that we hug every hour right? I figured that he wouldn't survive more than one or two of those." She said nonchalantly.

The next second Poppy gasped and broke out into song again running off like a toddler in a candy store with you walking after her.

The whole day Poppy kept on getting stuck or in some kind of danger like: Almost getting eaten multiple times, eating things she should not be eating and jumping off cliffs. Once she had been eaten you still have no idea how she survived. You felt like some poor old knight that had been forced to take care of a toddler in active combat.

Speaking of knights Poppy had also started to call you her loyal knight as a joke. you think that overworked babysitter was more appropriate.

Soon you had lost her again and were trying to find her.

"Poppy!" You yell with your hands cupped around your face. "Where are you?"

"Y/N?" Said a voice from behind you.

It was Branch, he had on a backpack and was looking at you confused.

"Where's Poppy?"

He asked you. You were very surprised to see him. How did he even catch up to you or know where you were?

"I don't even know." You say tiredly "we were traveling together but she won't listen to me." You vent to him.

He rolled his eyes. "Of course."

"And now she's gone. Again. Come on, Branch, we have to find her." You bring your hand down to him. He hesitated for only a moment before climbing on. You set him down on your shoulder as he grabbed a few strands of your hair.

You walked over to some odd looking trees with cobwebs made out of yarn and moved the branches out of the way. In the middle of the clearing was Poppy in a kind of cocoon made out of the same material as the cobwebs. But that wasn't all, there were also spider-like creatures closing in on her.

You and Branch gasped together. "Oh Poppy you've done it now!" You said pulling the tree's out of the way. Branch leaped from your shoulder and used his hair to get in front of Poppy as you went up to the spiders.

To the others they were about the size of a car but to you they were pretty tiny. You stomped your foot on the ground to try and scare them. This sent Branch up in the air a few centimeters, maybe even an inch.

The spiders hissed like wild cats at you as you got closer.

"Come on get out of here." You clapped your hands and hissed back at them but your hiss sounded more like a flat tire next to their much more aggressive noises.

Slowly they retreated into a cave that turned out to be the mouth of a giant monster you didn't recognize. The mouth closed on them before they could react which left you mortified.

"Damn this place might be as colorful as a fever dream but God it can be terrifying." You say out loud.

You looked back at Branch and saw his mouth on the floor. Branch had ever seen you like that and even though it was a very minor reaction it still make very glad that you were on his side. He also thought it was kinda ho-

"Branch, Poppy!" You yelled to him pulling him out of his thought spiral.

"Wha, what-Huh? Oh, no! Poppy? Hang on!" He jumped to action.

First he cut open the cocoon Poppy was in and grabbed two bugs and rubbed them together. Once they were charged he pressed them onto Poppy's chest above her heart and restarted it.

Instantly Poppy sat up and started to talk like nothing happened. "Branch, my man! You are right on time."

"Poppy are you alright!" You said in worry, reaching your hand out to her.

"Yep hundred percent ok!" She smiled a little too widely.

You put your fingers together "I'm this close to having a heart attack because of you."

"But your fingers are touching?" Poppy said, innocently confused.

"Yeah, because I did have a heart attack." You pointed at her. "You need to stay closer to me. Or I'm gonna duck tape you to my bag." You threaten.

Poppy patted your knee. "Don't stress yourself out too much Y/N. We still need to save our friends."

"Your." Both you and Branch say at the same time.

Poppy started to walk away. "All right. Let's do this! Sooner we get to Bergen Town, sooner we can rescue everybody... and make it home safely."

Branch walked toward her. "Wait, wait, wait. What's your plan?"

"I just told you." She looked at him. "To rescue everyone and make it home safely."

"Okay. That's not a plan. That's a wish list." He told her.

"Oh! I suppose you have a plan." Poppy mocked him.

"First... we get to the edge of Bergen Town without being spotted. Then, we get inside by sneaking through the old escape tunnels... which will then lead us to the Troll Tree... right before we get caught, and suffer a miserable death... at the hands of a horrible, bloodthirsty Bergen!" Branch got more aggressive with each word as he explained his plan. While he said this Poppy was busy scrapbooking.

"Hold on a second, are you scrapbooking my plan?" 

"Uh-huh. Yeah. Almost... done!" She showed Branch her newly made scrapbook that screamed "We did it!"

"There will be no more... scrapbooking." Branch told her unamused.

"Yep." You nod. "Where do you even get all that stuff to scrap anyway?" You say walking off with them.

Trolls x human readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora