Chapter 5 Clean Fight.

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I huff out, "Well, I mean traditionally it meant that once you locked pinky's after making a promise, whoever breaks the promise would have their pinky broken by the other person."

Y/N turns and looks at Wanda as she slowly chews her food.

"Ooooh no, absolutely not. You're not breaking my finger."

She shrugs and continues eating her meat, occasionally watching me like she has always done before looking back down at her plate. Her peaceful state doesn't last long, however. As I watch her eat, I see the hairs on her arms stand up, and a snarl makes itself present on her face.

She picks up her plate and makes her way around the kitchen island, chucking it back down and slamming herself into the chair next to me. She glares at the door, one arm now protectively shielding her plate as she eats.

The explanation to her behaviour walks in, his head high as he walks to the coffee pot and pours himself a cup. "Natasha, Wanda." He nods to us both, blatantly ignoring Y/N, who I dont think even cares.

"Oh, hey Natasha, I'm sorry for squaring up to you earlier!" I say sarcastically, making Y/N snort quietly beside me as she eats.

"Get over it, Nat. You knew that wasn't my intention -"

"Yet you did it anyway," Y/N interrupts his stern words, glaring at the man and leaving no room for excuses.

"I wasn't talking to you," He bites back.

"You won't be talking at all if you carry on," she slowly slides her plate away from her as she stands up. As she stands, the low chuckles of her hyena begin breaking through, causing Steve to take a small step back. I quickly reach up to grab her arm before she can continue, gently pulling her back down into the seat.

"Your heart rate sounds a little fast," she teases menaclingly. "Scared? Captain America isn't as brave as he makes himself out to be."

"Enough, both of you," I say, glancing between the two. Unreal, this woman hardly speaks unless she wants to get in Steve's head. "Have you finished eating?" I say to Y/N this time, to which she nods in response.

"Good, come. We need you in medical for a few tests." As I was about to stand, I felt her arm tense under my hand that I had yet to remove. "I'll come with you. He just wants to make sure you're okay, evaluate you a little, and the rest of the tests will be in the training room at your own free will. We just want to see your capabilities," I reassured her while gently squeezing her arm, feeling it relax once more.

Y/N nods and releases a breath as she stands up, shortly followed by myself as I lead her out of the kitchen, mouthing a quick 'thank you' to Wanda who picks up our empty plates to be washed.

Once we make it into the medical bay, we are greated by Bruce. "Good to see you both. Just take a seat here, please, Y/N," he says with a friendly smile.

She sits where told, and I stand just a few feet away. As Bruce runs some tests to make sure she's stable, he also asks a few questions about her abilities. I ensure to listen closely, not only to notify Fury, but also because I myself am curious.

"So, Y/N. If it's okay, I just have a few questions about your abilities and any enhancements you may have undergone during your time at HYDRA." He begins, Y/N per usual only nodding along.

"Great, so physical strength. How is that?"

Y/N looks at me as though looking for reassurance, I nod and wave for her to respond, implying that Bruce can be trusted.

"From my genetics alone, quite strong. Now, with HYDRAS enhancement, I am still searching for my limit."

Bruce nods, pulling out a file. "This here will just be your medical file, I already have some of it filled out from when I checked up on you your first day here. You were out cold, so you dont recall this, but according to Natasha here, you had multiple broken bones that seemed to be repairing themselves. We just wanted to make sure you were okay," he clarifies as he jots down some notes about her abilities. "Your speed, how fast would you say you are?"

CARNIVORE (Natasha R. x Y/N G!P)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt