Guess I died

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Galvantula POV
I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes.  I looked up and saw clear skies, I was on a gravel beach.  Emmet underneath me, a grassy forest a few feet away.  Beautifly lew overhead with a Starrly flock close behind.  A furry white and red Pokémon was laying down closer to the river, seemingly asleep.  I internally smiled as I saw Emmet, his arms were wrapped around me holding me close.  But why was he cold?  Why were we lying on the ground?  Maybe he's still passed out!  We look like we're in a rocky area so he probably hit his head.  Those are always so fragile with humans.  I wiggled out of Emmet's arms and walked closer to his head.  The gravel was quite sharp and pointier than I expected.  Emmet looked up at the sky, his gray eyes glassy and his face one of shock and fear.  But it was relaxed.  I stepped closer and froze as I stepped in a warm liquid.  I looked down.  Crimson red stained the gravel and Emmet's back.
"Master Em- Emmet?"
He didn't respond and a pit formed in my stomach.
"Wake up!  Wake up!"
Maybe he's just in a deep sleep?  Ingo does that sometimes!  Candelure sometimes uses a non damaging move to wake him up!  I exhaled as I drew electricity to one of my legs and tapped it onto his head.  Nothing.  Again?  Nothing.  Is he dead?  I shuddered as I took his hat.  He loved it.  I looked up as I heard Emmet speak, hope immediately filled me up.  It was undeniably his voice!
"What's wrong with me!"
Emmet's face didn't move so I turned to the source of the sound and saw the white and red fluffy Pokémon which I recognized as some sort of Zoura.  Maybe it's one of those regional forms like the fluffy white Vulpix I met a few months back?  The Zoura looked himself over and kept trying and failing to go on his back paws.  He looked scared.  I walked over.
"Are you lost strange Zoura?"
The Zoura shot around.  His pale yellow eyes darted around.
"Galvantula?  Did you just speak?  Why are you suddenly so massive?"
The Zoura sounded exactly like Emmet, and he knew my name!  I watched as Emmet-Zoura paced around looking himself over as he muttered about how he was human and wondering if he had been turned into a Pokémon of some sort.  I blinked an idea forming as I realized who it was.  The head tuft even was sitting in such a way it resembled his hat, it clearly wasn't the most natural.
"Master Emmet is that you?"
Emmet blinked his normally mischievous smile, a panicky one.  He nodded quickly.
"I am Emmet."
I lit up and plopped his hat on Emmet, it sat on his tuft and the edges weighed his ears down to the side of his head.
"I think I know what happened.  Ghost type Pokémon-"
"GET 'EM!"
Emmet and I turned around.  Several people in lavender tunics, black pants and brown leather boots ran out of the forest.  Fury and hatred filled their eyes.  Emmet stepped back, his new ears pinned back.  I quickly grabbed him and tossed him on my back.
  I dashed over to the river and jumped.  Master Emmet screamed as we sailed over the river.  I ignored his new claws digging into my exoskeleton.  I ran as fast as I could as Emmet began screaming warning me of attacks.  I easily dodged and ran into a small abandoned den.  Emmet slowly crawled off staying close, he was shaking like a twig and clearly taking comfort in my fluff.  I hope he's okay in his head.  He doesn't look too happy.
"Master Emmet?"
"Galvantula what's going on?  I'm scared."
I pulled Emmet close.  He looked up at me, his new eyes tearing up before he continued.
"I saw my body but I wasn't in it... I remember falling, then a sudden bit of pain then I woke up in this body... I ..."
Emmet's eyes widened.  He pulled in closer and he curled up a bit.  I carefully began to hum.  Slowly his eyes closed and I watched as it got dark.  I watched the dens entrance throughout the night.  I don't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up I found Emmet was awake but hadn't moved.  He was just moping around, that wasn't right.  Emmet never mopped!  He clearly wasn't taking his own death well and possibly some loneliness as Ingo wasn't here.  Maybe bringing Ingo in would help?  Master Emmet loves his brother, trains and double battles.  Ingo is the most available at the moment.  I think he fell with us.  Maybe he got turned into a Pokémon too!  That would one hundred and ten percent help!
"Master Emmet!  Why are you moping around?"
Emmet looked up.  He opened his mouth but I interrupted.
"Ingo fell with us.  We were separated in the sky so we should look for him.  He was probably turned into a Pokémon too and he didn't have Chandelure with him.  If he isn't a Pokémon we'll still be there to protect him."
Emmet immediately perked up.
"I am a Pokémon now!  So minus well take advantage!"
"We can quickly battle to see your skills rather than look for a better den to live in.  Away from the purple people."
Emmet jumped up and looked excited; clearly bringing up battling was a great call.  The red tufts waved around and his eyes glowed a fierce yellow.  I laughed as Emmet rushed out of the den clearly excited to see battling from the other side of it.  I smiled as I followed him out and saw him jumping around looking like he was going to use agility any moment.  I laughed before I spoke.
"Alright try and scratch me and make sure to channel your power.  Don't worry I won't get hurt."
Emmet nodded slowly before he dashed forward and scratched me.  I hardly felt it so he was definitely very low level.  I think I lost three Hp points.
"Excellent.  You're definitely lower level but that's easy to fix.  Keep trying. I can take a couple hits before you'd even make a dent."
Emmet relaxed and looked around.
"Let's get some berries first.  We don't have any healing items so you'd have low HP for Arceus knows how long."
I nodded my head.
"I think I saw some Oren berry bushes awhile back.  I can go with you and teach you some basics on hunting."
Emmet blinked confused before realization hit him.
Emmet POV
I looked down before I yelped as I tripped over a root but managed to catch myself.  Galvantula looked over concerned.
"Still figuring out how to do anything in this body and realizing I will have to hunt."
The air went quiet as we walked through the forest.  It wasn't the nicest day.  Electric Pokémon were clearly all out and about, there weren't many other types.  If I was still human the air would probably smell like rain, but I could weirdly smell Pokémon and plants nearby but not rain.  I could smell some Floatzel and Buizel so we were near a river or lake.  Galvantula smelled like the subway.  It was comforting.  Eventually Galvantula paused.  Slowly we began to pick berries, Orens always tasted interesting but in a good way though it's an acquired taste.  Galvantula quickly ate an Oren berry before we continued.  Soon enough Galvantula had made several webs and we filled about two with Oren berries.
"Let's head back.  This should last for quite a bit of training."
I smiled as we began heading back making sure to drag the berries behind.  Slowly we made our way home... unfortunately it began to rain and thunder roared shortly after.  We ran the rest of the way home.

Left on the shore, soul on the mountain Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ