7. practice what you preach.

Start from the beginning

"enjoy the show?" she asked as toji turned over to her, "i own this place so it's hurt not to enjoy." he joked causing the woman to laugh.

"i'm lottie." the woman said as she held out her hand for toji to shake, "nice to meet you lottie." toji said before shaking her hand.


"toji fushiguro." lottie answered before toji could get his words out, "i know you, i heard some things." she smiled as toji smirked.

timskip !!

you made it back to the safe house to see megumi sitting on the couch, "hey meg!" you called out as you placed your stuff down.

he waved, you sighed because you knew that he was bored living here with no friends just rules to stay in the house and nothing else.

"how was your day?" you answered, megumi chuckled at your question. "how do you think my day was?" he asked smartly and you rolled your eyes.

you walked over to him, "listen, i know this life can be kinda boring due to all the staying away and hiding away from your friends but this is all about keeping you safe." you said as megumi sighed and turned off the tv.

"i know it's about keeping me safe but i'm sick of not knowing when i'm going to see my friends again and im trying to play it off but i can't." megumi spoke softly before his eyes started teary up.

"don't cry." you said before getting up to hug him but he pushed you away, he stood up and walked away from the couch but he stopped in the kitchen.

"don't tell me what to do because of right now i kinda wish that you left that night." megumi said, finally walking to his room.

your heart sank.

flashback !!

you walked into megumi's room and he laid down in his bed, you sat beside the bed as you rubbed his head. "please don't go mama." megumi said softly as his eyes got heavy.

"how could i leave my beautiful boy?" you whispered to him and kissed him on the forehead. megumi's eyes closed and you leaned your back against the wall.

end of flashback !!

meanwhile !!

toji and lottie were walking around together, "so this your first time in italy?" lottie asked and toji nodded. which would be a lie, this isn't the first time but he didn't trust her fully.

"this yours?" toji asked her and she shook her head, "i came here for the first time when i was 12, me and my father came here for a visit then we went back to atlanta." she smiled causing toji to smile too.

for some reason, toji felt free with her but this isn't the feeling that he felt with you. with you he felt like life was complete but something about this girl...had his heart beating.

"are you hungry?" she said as they stopped at a small restaurant, toji made his lips into a thin line, "i don't know i gotta get back to my fam-" toji started but when she tilted her head, toji stopped.

toji licked his teeth and smirked, "one meal wouldn't hurt." he spoke before lottie smiled and raised her hands in the air. "okay let's go!" she laughed before they both walked in.

timeskip !!

"then i was like: FUCK IT!" toji said causing lottie and him to laugh loudly. their laughter could be heard by anybody walking pass, "oh my goodness! you are crazy!" lottie laughed as she placed her on his shoulder.

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