Isu nodded at the group as they began playing the music she gave them.

"Now, what do we do?" On Jin gave Isu a look as she jumped down.

"Now, we dance." No one took Isu up on her offer.

"I don't think my parents want me dancing in a cave," one muttered as the other shouted louder.

"Yeah! What if someone finds out?" The people were turning around and leaving as Isu huffed.

"You guys really need a healthy disrespect for authority," she muttered before speaking louder. "Come on, you're thinking too much. Dancing isn't something that should be hidden. It's part of the culture, part of the air, of the spirits and even fire. No one can ever take that away from you."

"Maybe it was different in the colonies, Meh, but we don't do that here."

Isu snorted. "Sure you do. It's been around for generations. I happen to know several classic Fire Nations dances."

"You do?" The members of the gang gave Isu a confused look as she smirked.

"This was known as the Phoenix Flight," Isu began moving, performing some ancient dance she was sure she was butchering, but it wasn't as if they had dance teachers. "And this was the Camelephant strut."

Isu rolled towards two boys as they looked at her. She poked them in the eyes before continuing her dance, finishing with a black flip and landing on one foot.

Toph sipped at her drink, listening to the dance living up. "Who knew the violent brut could dance?"

Katara smiled softly, unable to tear her eyes off Isu.


Isu grinned as she approached Hide and On Jin. "May I have this dance?"

Hide glared at her. "Why are you talking to me. I have a girlfriend."

"I'm aware. I was asking her." Isu held out a hand as On Jin smiled, taking it and letting Isu lead her away. Hide growled, storming off as Isu chuckled, teaching the dance.

"Thank you," On Jin whispered as Isu chuckled.

"You didn't look like you were having fun. What else was a good host meant to do?" Isu changed the dance. "And this is how they do it in the ballrooms of Ba Sing Se."

On Jin grinned, joining the dance, unaware of Katara's eyes on her.


Hachi huffed, leaning against his hand by the table.

"You okay, man?" Yirai gave Hachi a look as he shrugged.

"I wish I could dance."

Yirai frowned. "You can't?"

That caused Hachi to chuckle, turning around and staring at the ceiling. "I mean, I wish to dance with my boyfriend."

"He not here?"

"No.... He stayed in the colonies."

"Well, I'm not a substitute, but we could dance."

Hachi seemed to think about it before he shook his head. "Nah, you've got a few eyes on you anyway. Don't want to ruin your night."

Yirai raised his eyebrow. "Just because we share one dance does not mean we have to spend the night just with each other. So stop being a dick, and join me for a dance."

Hachi blinked. "You're a lot more violent now. It must be I-Ymeh's influence."

"Says the guy who started that fight."

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