Começar do início

Tom frowns, asking, "Evelynn? What do you mean?"

"I mean I think Dumbledore was bloody stalking you! Nobody lasts that long in Azkaban, not without going completely insane, not even the most down-to-earth person. And, no offense, but the Gaunts were not entirely sane to begin with. Morfin shared—shares—Marvolo's instability and temper, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if they all had other health problems too after all the inbreeding. There's no bloody way Dumbledore visited him in Azkaban...what, ten, fifteen years later? Forget when I was in my sixth year and he was 'starting' to suspect you'd made Horcruxes."

Tom's eyes widen as he says, "Which means he'd acquired the memories between my accidental meeting with Morfin and me charming his memory." He realizes that he really was being stalked! Evelynn nods, a furious look on her face that mirrors Tom's feelings about this revelation. "So, what's the next step?"

Evelynn gives him that shark-like smile he's come to adore and says, "Well, do you remember that Karma Hex I developed?"

"The one that's completely undetectable? The one that can't be identified at all if another spell is cast on the victim afterwards? Or if they use magic?" Tom is familiar with that particular spell of hers. She had recently concocted it, and he's very fond of it. The spell doesn't even require an actual incantation - it's more about focusing on the intent to balance the scales and let Karma decide the repayment. Olive Hornby has become the laughingstock of Ravenclaw, which is a change Tom is certain she wasn't expecting.

"The one that gives the victim exactly what they deserve. Yes, that one," Evelynn says as she begins to run a hand through Tom's hair. "I can easily slip into and out of Little Hangleton undetected. I can cast the Hexes wandlessly as I never actually came up with an incantation for them. I just channeled my magic and will into the victims getting exactly what they deserve. I'm not sure what exactly will happen, but given Morfin's temperament from the memories I've seen... it'll likely be lethal for your father. This puts Morfin in Azkaban and leaves the Slytherin Lordship to you, while also keeping you out of suspicion. Alternatively, they could both die, leading to the same outcome."

Tom raises an eyebrow at her and asks, "You've really thought this through, haven't you?" He struggles to resist melting into her hand as she plays with his hair, a gesture she knows he enjoys.

"Think of it as a second birthday present? I'm close to finishing the one I initially planned to give you."

"Oh?" Tom raises an eyebrow, attempting to maintain his composure as Evelynn shifts from playing with his hair to gently massaging the base of his skull. He inquires, "What would that be?"

Evelynn smirks at him, moving a bit closer, and says, "Telling, that's what that would be." Tom almost groans at her terrible joke, until Evelynn snuggles her face into his neck and starts speaking in Parseltongue.

If she was playing dirty before, using their connection and his fondness for her playing with his hair to persuade him, now she's truly muddying the waters.

"Let me do this for you, Tom. Let me let you watch Dumbledore struggle, trying to find any evidence of your involvement in their deaths and proving himself a fool when there is none. Let me make him reveal his true colors for everyone to see, with you in the front row, popcorn in hand."

How can he refuse when she puts it so nicely? Especially in Parseltongue. He's almost lost his mind when she speaks in Parseltongue. She knows it too, he realizes, as he senses her smile against his neck and feels her shift slightly. With Parseltongue, and the opportunity to rid himself of his absent father and abusive, insane uncle, how could he resist?

evelynn | t.riddleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora