Ack! A Demon? (Pt. 2)

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The blond tilted his head as Ford looked at him crazy-like.

"Uhh" Mabel uttered, she was very confused.

"Him!" Ford stomped closer. "How'd you get here!?"

The blond scribbled on the paper for a bit, and then showed it to ford.

'He carried me here' it said. The blond pointed at Dipper and then scribbled more.

'Their was a monster'

Dipper rolled his eyes. "T-h-e-r-e, meaning a place or past tense. T-h-e-i-r is referring to something that someone owns. Such as 'That's T-h-e-i-r sss'

The other nodded and erased his mistake as Ford put the energy ray closer to his head. "Ford stop that, I know what you're thinking. He couldn't even protect himself from a baby Gremgoblin."

Ford just growled as the blond held up the paper again.

'There was a monster'

Mabel looked between Ford and Dipper. "What?"

"What's your name?" their grunkle said with venom.

After a minute, the blond put up the paper.

'Not sure, but the first name that I can think of is Bill'

Mabel gasped and backed up.

'Knew it, the sweater gave it away..'

Dipper sighed and sat straighter ignoring how Ford's hand tensed around the trigger. "What do you remember?"

Bill blinked and then started to scribble in his barely legible handwriting. It took a few minutes, but he eventually raised the notepad.

'I remember waking up with people around me in that clearing. They screamed and then someone hit me in the head from behind. I woke up again in the dark, after a long time it was bright again, but then it became slightly dark. Then there was a loud noise, after a bit the monster came. I fell asleep into a bad dream but was awake too.'

By the time Dipper was finished reading it aloud, Stan was looming behind his brother. He snorted. "The kid writes like a ten-year old. But he got the point across. He's got amesniasa or something like that."

Ford retracted the gun, though only slightly. "Amnesia, and he's probably faking it."

'What's amnisiea?' Bill scribbled.

"A-m-n-e-s-i-a, and doesn't that just prove it?" Dipper commented.

Mabel looked at Bill. "Okay, but what do you feel about glitter and crafts?" Bill's eyes widened.

'YES' Was all he responded with.

Mabel giggled and waved her hands. "He's good on my terms!" she then proceeded to grab Bill and drag him downstairs to her glitter torture room.

Dipper blinked and put his head in his hands. "Don't kill him unless he tries to kill you. Everyone deserves a second chance, Even... Him..."

Ford made a snarling like sound and stomped off, probably to his basement.

Stan snorted. "Well he's going to need more clothes." and turned back to stir the pot.

'Of course this is how the first day back in Gravity Falls goes...' Dipper thought before heading downstairs to make sure Mabel or Bill didn't die of glitter inhalation or something.



How are you? Did you eat or dink? Maybe take a bathroom break or a walk. If you're binding, make sure to do so safely (unlike Dipper here, who has been binding since before getting on the bus to go to Gravity Falls)!

Post Plot Dipper: "HEY I'M SORRY! I needed to make a good second first impression!"

Aiden: Does not condone your actions, mortal!

Post Plot Dipper: "You're worse than Axolotl..."

Aiden/Lyrin: Lol, you're right though.

Anyways, All in all, you deserve happiness :D


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