"I think I'm ready to talk about it." I hear Jacie say from above. We are lying down on the couch watching the live "Lion King'. I pause the movie sitting up and facing her. "Okay, take your time and I'm here whenever you need to stop," I say moving closer to her. I hear her sigh and she rubs her hands down her face.

"So my mom was a drug addict and at the time I was already staying with my grandma all the time because she was never home. It would be weeks or sometimes even a month long before I saw her again and she would claim she was clean and take me back to live with her just for the cycle to repeat. But one day when I was 10, I was getting ready for bed and there was a knock at the front door, my grandma answered and I sneaked down the stairs to see who it was, it was the police. They found my mom overdosed on some different drugs and she died. That night my grandma didn't even comfort me while I cried for my mom. I knew my mother cared about me but she always chose drugs over me. I was angry and would lash out yelling all throughout my childhood. My father never was in my life because he was in and out of prison, my grandma is his mom. One day when I was 12 I realized I liked girls too and I knew my grandma wasn't okay with it so I snuck around with it. Until one day a girl from my school wanted to fight me because her girlfriend at the time was crushing on me and I entertained it. I didn't know they were together but the school ended up calling my grandma and telling her the situation. I got expelled and that night was the first time she abused me verbally. The words she said will always be in my head. The next few weeks she would take me to Ms. Lafia's house, the woman you saw tonight. Ms. Lafia would make me sit in her attic to think about my actions and choices. She would keep me down there for hours with no food or anything. I told my grandma about everything that happened but she would always call me a liar and say I'm just like my mother." I hug her while she's stopped talking and she hugs back. I never would have expected Jacie to go through something like this. The saying Never judge a book by its cover means something. Jacie sighs and continues.

"The next 2 years were filled with the same thing over and over. I would wake up, go to school, go home and do homework, and then go to Ms. Lafia's house, and repeat. I was drained and at the time I wasn't in contact with my father or any family outside of my grandmother and a handful of cousins that lived out of state. I didn't have anyone because they all thought I was lying or would tell my grandma."

**TW! Skip here if you choose too**

"When I turned 15, I decided I had enough and I planned to take my life that night. I snuck out of the house and walked to the park bridge that wasn't far from the house. I sat there crying and contemplating whether to do it or not. I was going to but then I heard a voice yell "Stop.". I didn't turn around and when I was going to jump I was pulled back and pulled down to the ground."

**TW Stops here. Continue reading**

That was the night I met Anthony, well Ant. Since then we've been best friends. I owe him my life and whatever he needs I'll drop whatever I'm doing to help him. He'd let me stay at his house when my grandma would start her shit. Then fast forward another year at 16, I found out about my brother Jordan or JJ. We all instantly became a trio. Anywhere you saw me you saw them and vice versa. I didn't really stay at my grandma's house that year, I was always at my brother's or Ant's house. JJ stayed with my father so we talked every once in a while and tried to have a relationship but it's a work in progress still today. Then when I turned 17, I started working for him and now two years later at 19, I'm working for him, living on my own. Sometimes I think about what would happen if I didn't find a way out, you know? Like real shit, I was in a horrible mindset back then and it still bothers me to this very day. I don't know but that shit is cool for real." She says looking off in the distance.

"Jacie. There is nothing wrong with still being hurt or feeling affected by it. You endured so much at a young age and your feelings about it are valid and I hear you. Like you told me, you won't have to worry about any of that now. You have people that love and care about you for who the real Jacie is, not the person your grandmother wanted you to be." I say. I see a stray tear fall and she wipes it fastly away. "It is also okay to cry Jacie. You don't need to do that strong and tough act around me. Vulnerability is a thing you need to embrace. It doesn't make you weak. " I say, wiping her face as more tears fall. I get up to sit on her lap and pull her tightly in a hug as more tears and sobs come from her. I rub her back allowing her to let it all out because I'm sure this has all been built up over the years. Once I hear her crying die down I pull away and peck her lips. Jacie grabs my face between her hands and kisses me back. I pulled away after what felt like minutes of kissing to breathe. "Do you want to go to sleep now baby?" I say as I get off her lap about to sit beside her. "Yeah, but I didn't say move ma. Come back." Jacie says as she pulls me back on her lap. I laugh at her, "To the bedroom requires me off you." I say shaking my head, smiling down at her. "Nah it dont." She says as she stands up with me in her arms. "What the fuck Jacie put me down," I say trying to get out. "Be still for I drop yo ass," Jacie says as she walks us to the bedroom. I feel myself being put down on the bed. I sit up and look at Jacie. She looks so good to me I'd give her my whole world. I cringe at my thoughts. "Stop staring so hard." I roll my eyes and go to the nightstand and grab my bonnet putting it on. I climb into bed and Jacie follows behind me. "Goodnight Jai," I said, turning over so my back is to her. She pulls me closer to her body so my butt is resting against her. "Goodnight Ma." She says as she puts her hands around my waist. I smile and drift off to sleep.

AN: This is almost 2000 words I-. As I said in the Info note I would update both parts together BUT this is long as hell and I'm tired so It will be written tomorrow I PROMISE. 

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- syd :)

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