Începe de la început

She nodded, furrowing her brows “it's all kind of a blur” she mutters.

“Hm, alright” the cop eventually lets out, and Evangeline makes her way to the car, hopping in the back.

Dean sat in the front, eying Sam, who was still outside talking to Lori.

“How are you feeling?” his deep voice grumbled.

“Like I have a concussion, but I'm not dead” she flashes a soft smile, her eyes roaming to the window.

A comfortable silence follows the two as Evangeline grabbed a cassette from her small black bag, the only property she owned, which typically resided in the backseat.

She plugged in her headphones, popping them in her ear before pressing play.

The soft melody began to play as she closed her eyes, trying to hum the soft throbbing in her head.

Dean's eyes caught onto her. She looked peaceful, her baby blue eyes shut, and the soft melody of Billy Joel echoed from her headphones. He leaned back in his chair, seeing Sam walk over with a solemn look.

The younger hunter gets in the front seat next to Dean slamming the door with a small thump.

“We could stay” he played it off casually.

Sam just shook his head as his jaw ticked.

Dean didn't question him further. he just took a small peek to see Evangeline looking out the window seemingly okay before he started the car. The engine revved to life, and he pushed in one of his music tapes before the trio drove off, leaving the small town and the hookman a distant memory.

Hii! short chapter today, but I'm working on the next one already!

How is everyone? I would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on this story!!
Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed it ! Have a great day :)

— Everr

DAYLIGHT; Dean Winchester Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum