I don't know how much time had passed, but I woke up to the bright light directly above me. 

A bandage covered my left eye. 

I sat up, laughing when I saw Shoko seriously looking at me.

 "How many times is it that you've saved me?" I asked. 

She looked at me seriously, and I noticed around 20 cigarettes in the ashtray. She seemed exhausted, like she hadn't slept, only healing people and crying. 

I stood up, shaky on my legs, and went to her, embracing her.

 Somehow, both of us began to cry. 

She said softly, "More than half are dead, and the morgue is getting fuller every day." 

I pulled away and looked at her sadly. 

She continued, "During the two days you were unconscious, many died."

 My eyes widened, and I said, "Fucking two days?!"

 She nodded and added, "Your left eye suffered so much damage from your power that I had to bandage it."

 I asked, "Can I take it off?" and reached for my eye. 

She slapped my hand away, scolding me, "Are you crazy?! You need to protect your eye, at least for another day, and if you keep straining it, it might lead to blindness!"

 Amused by her scolding, I pretended to laugh to make her also laugh, like a mother scolding her child. 

With a smile, I said, "Got it, won't do anything today."

 She looked at me seriously, sighed, and went back to her desk, lighting a new cigarette.

 I headed towards the exit, saying, "See you later."

 Leaving the room, I could drop the facade of pretending to be okay, and I went to the morgue. 

The sight took my breath away—so many dead bodies. 

The Jujutsu employees couldn't handle it anymore.

 Out of frustration, I bit my lower lip. 

Just two days, and this many deaths?

 I went outside again, heading to the main staircase, where I saw Yuji sitting alone. 

He reminded me of Teen Gojo.

 I sat beside him, and we both looked frustrated at the ground. 

He asked, "How are your injuries, Sensei?" 

I sighed and turned my head towards him, "So far, so good, but yours seem to be healed, leaving scars." 

He looked sadly at the ground, saying, "I couldn't save anyone."

 I replied, "I couldn't either."

 Tears formed in his eyes and fell to the ground. 

Sukuna spoke from his face, "Yeah, brat, you're responsible for all these human deaths. You might as well kill yourself."

 More tears flowed.

 I told Sukuna, "There will be someday a round 2 between us."

 He laughed devilishly and said "When you are still alive until than" and dissapeared.

Megumi approached from the front, trying to lift Yuji's spirits, saying, "We'll somehow fix this." 

Yuji looked a bit happier and surprised, "Fushiguro!"

 I looked at Megumi with a smile, "You're still alive; that's good."

 He grinned back and said, "I don't give up that easily." 

I cheered up Yuji as well, "We'll free Gojo, and everything will be back to normal."

 Choso came from behind, panicking about Yuji, "My little brother is crying, why!"

 I looked back and forth between them with my mouth open, shouting, "LITTLE BROTHER?!". 

Choso proudly nodded and said, "We're blood-related."

 Yuji looked at me dumbfounded, and then I looked at both of them in disbelief, saying, "You must be kidding me."

 Choso proudly shook his head. 

Megumi just sighed and said, "Let's go to the briefing room now," pointing with his finger towards the back.

 We all stood up and headed towards the briefing room.

Everyone who was still alive gathered around the table. In the middle was a giant map of Shibuya. 

Yuki pointed to a location and said seriously, "We suspect that Kenjaku is currently there in the near of Tengen ."

 She also placed the other half of the prison on the table.

 I spoke up and said, "I will retrieve the prison from Kenjaku, and if I can't, for whatever reason, Yuta will step in for me."

 Everyone nodded in agreement. 

I turned to Yuji and asked, "Did you guys actually kill Mahito?"

 He looked down and said angrily at himself, "Kenjaku saved him at the last moment."

 I scoffed and said, "Mahito, this bastard." 

I took the other half of the prison, examined it, and then absorbed it into my skin, storing it in my subconscious.

 I then left the room and saw that it was getting dark. 

It's been a week since Gojo was sealed. 

I clenched my fist and said, "Just wait, Gojo. When you're free, I'll hunt you down and then beat your ass up."

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