Ryukyu x male reader chapter 1

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Ryukyu x male reader

Information about Ryukyu
Real name: Ryuko Tatsuma
Hero name: ryukyu
Birthday: 22 September
Birthplace: Okinawa
Age: 26
Height:166cm(5'5{1/4} ft)
Dragon form height: (unknown so here the height I will give her) 7 meters or 23 feet
Skin dragon form: pale gray
Eye color: yellow
Quirk: dragon
Personality(normal): Humble, gentle, giving praise where it is deserved and not expecting gratitude in return. See talent where it's due. Soft spot for children.
(She also love shiny things)
Enhanced strength: her dragon form give her great strength.
Immense durability: extremely resistant to physical damage such as a punch and other dull object. Can withstand the punch with equivalent strength of the one of All might.
+wings(flying) claws and a powerful jaw (in dragon form)

Birthday: November 22
Age: 25
Own Quirk (physical prowess): Greatly increased the users agility, speed and athleticism. Also increased strength and durability by a good amount. The user also regain energy slightly faster, he also regenerates his wounds faster(2x faster than normal people) and have extremely good reflexes.

Hereditary quirk detector (passed down from his mother): (y/n) can feel how strong people around him are. If the person he feel is too strong he will have side effects like headaches, nausea and even vomiting. These effects only apply for a brief moment, they will quickly disappear afterwards. He can specifically decide to block someone *aura* this will stop him from feeling their power as long as he desires. He can also focus on one person. If a person is too weak he won't feel it's *aura*

Quirk combination: Physical prowess and detector

Akira: Hey (y/n),  have you planned anything for your birthday yet?

Even though my birthday was close ahead I didn't care that much . I was just happy to be with my friend, Akira.

(y/n): No, I didn't.

Akira: Come one you could've just organized a party or something?

(y/n): I could but you know I'm not a big fan of party...

Akira: Yeah but one wouldn't hurt, right?

I sighed, maybe making a party wouldn't be that bad for once. I could invite my close friend.

(y/n): I'll think about it.

Akira: I promise you won't regret it!

He put his arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to him. He had a big smile on his face, he had manage to convince me to organises a party for the first time in my 25 years of existence. Akira liked partying but it wasn't really my cup of tea.

(y/n): Do you think you could help me organize it?

Akira: Of course!

He said happily while he leaned more on me in a playful way as we walked on the side walk. He let go of me and stood straight again.

(y/n): Are you sure you'll have enough time? My birthday is in a week.

Akira: I'm sure I'll have more than enough time. Just leave it up to me bro.

(y/n): Ok but just with some close friends I don't want my house to be destroyed afterwards.

Akira: Understood!

After conversing about my birthday we went on our own way both of us going to our respective house. I was proud of my house, it wasn't anything special but it was for me since I had worked hard to get it. Simple yet comfortable. The roof was grey, the outside wall were white and couple of windows here and there. I had changes the interior to match my liking, in the living room was a pale grey couch and a very dark blue sofa beside it. There was a white rug on the ground covering the living room. The television was installed on the wall. The kitchen was pretty simple, a white fridge, some drawers, a dishwasher and a sink. Further into my house was a bathroom, inside was a shower, a sink, a bath and a toilet. My bedroom was close beside it, I had a double bed with white sheets and grey pillows. There was also a closet and some furniture here and there for my personal stuff as well as my clothes. I had some stuff to workout in the basement. There was also other room but those were the main one. I laid on the bed I was pretty happy of how my life was going but there was still a gap I was unable to fill. I had no one really special in my life, I would even say I was mostly alone. I let out a loud sigh while sitting up on my bed.

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