Chapter 12: Edo

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"Which part ? Poofing out in light or Lucy getting naked ? Because both aren't a first for me."

Void: You have a weird world...

Lucy: How did thuis happen ? And wait... Where are we, even ?

Erza: hmm.. We should have been in Drameel, but... Were we transported somewhere else ?

"I think that much is pretty obvious... This scenery is quite different, yet feels familiar..."

Lucy: What gives ? I can't use my Celestial magic !!

Gray: Anyway, here... Put it on.

Natsu: No... Hold on a sec ! I can't use magic either !

Erza: Neither can I.

Void: oh, so that was the weird feeling I couldn't get my finger on... The concentration of... mana ? Magic ? Reiatsu...

"We call it Ethernano here."

Void: Right. The concentration in the air suddenly plummeted to zilch here.

Carla: How did this happen ?

???: Mama ?

 ???: Mama ?

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Kid: You... Are mama, right ? Huh ?

Lucy: HUUUUH ?!

Erza: D- Did Lucy have a child ?!

Gray: Say whaaaa ?!

Natsu: It can't be !! Lucy laid an egg ?!

Happy: Mamaaaa !!

"... Looking closer... Flaming scarf and pinkish hair... That reminds me of someone..."


Void: Well that decides it, we somehow travelled to the future, congratulation to you both.

Lucy: S- STOP THAT !!

Erza: C- Child...

Wendy: No... I think she just mistook her for someone else...

???: Nasha ! I thought I said don't got too far !

Natsu: Huh ? HUUH ?! SHE'S... !!

??? You're... Earth-Lucy ?!

 Earth-Lucy ?!

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For a few meager GodsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora