
44 2 0

North Denver —> Salt Lake City
Hours Driven: 9
Current time- 7:23

Car seat layout:

Car seat layout:

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"When is the next stoppp," Gwen groaned from the row behind me

"In about.... 20ish minutes-?" Bruce replied from the front seat


"Yeah and if you hadn't drank all that soda maybe you wouldn't have to pee,"

"For your information Finney James Blake, I was drinking water, unlike you who is chronically dehydrated,"

"Ooooo you just got full nameddd" I could practically hear the smirk on Robins face.

"Jeez if you two don't stop arguing I might actually shoot myself in the head,"

"Wooow Amy you're going to leave me alone with them?" Robin attempted to fake cry, leading to a gut punch, a specialty of Gwen's.

"No seas una perra Gwen,"

"No hablo español Arellano,"

"God you all need to shut the fuck up while I'm driving," Vance practically shouted from the front

Vance was bad about yelling when he got upset. He didn't mean for it to happen, it just sort of did. It used to really bother me back when we first met, but I learned pretty quickly that it wasn't anything personal.

"Come on Vance you love it here," Robin had sat up out of his seat so he could have his arms wrapped around my neck

"No I just think I've developed Stockholm syndrome,"

"What's that?" Amy asked

"Sometimes people that have been kidnapped will develop a physiological attachment with the person who kidnapped them," Finally my ridiculous knowledge from watching true crime has come in handy, "A pretty good example would be Albert Shaw, or who was nicknamed The Grabber,"

"Oh yeah I remember that," Robin said, "that happens a few summers ago didnt it?"

"Yeah, he'd kidnapped a young boy around the age of 14 and kept him locked up in his basement. When the boy was found by police he put up a fight saying that The Grabber had been doing what was best for him and the boy tried to rationalize all the abuse that had happened to him,"

"Oh my god that's horrible," Amy sighed, "I remember hearing about Albert Shaw when he was arrested but I don't think I heard anything about what he did with the boy,"

"I honestly just tried to stay away from all of that," Gwen let out a half laugh, "All I remember hearing was that he had a daughter who lived in Indiana, who thought he was dead,"

"Oh yeah her name was Robin, I remember cause her and I have the same name,"

"I wonder how she's doing now after learning about all that,"


AUTHOR- Again short update 😭😭 I'm sorry but I plan on having a longer one out in the next week or so-

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