Jackson kept a tight hold around my waist.

Jackson: remember what you said, babe. Our goal is to focus on getting Mer her license back. Everything will be fine, baby. Just take a deep breath.

Castello: we are here today in the matter of Dr. Meredith Grey, who is charged with allegations that she practiced below the acceptable standards of medical practice in a manner that exploited patients and insurance carriers. In fact, Dr. Grey is...


Bailey was the first on the stand.

Nancy: Dr. Bailey, you've known Dr. Grey a long time. Could you speak about that at all?

Bailey: I met her when she was an intern.

Nancy: would you say the two of you have grown close over all this time?

Bailey: no.

Nancy: didn't Dr. Grey name her son after you?

Bailey: if you're asking if her son's name is Bailey, then, yes, it is.

Nancy: Dr. Grey is a well-respected general surgeon. You've agreed to that.

Bailey: is that a question?

Nancy: well, when you became chief of surgery, you asked Dr. Grey to become your chief of general surgery. And from my estimation, a chief of general surgery is extremely skilled, organized, dedicated, communicative. Does that sound correct to you?

Bailey: it does. And she is no longer my chief of general surgery.

I start digging my nails into the palms of my hand. I can't believe Bailey is doing this to Meredith, after everything they've been through together.

Nancy: no more questions. Thank you.

Judge Benson: Ms. Cordova? Any cross?

Cordova: uh, actually, yes.

Ms. Cordova stands up and approaches.

Cordova: Dr. Grey has developed quite the disciplinary record over all those years you've known her, hasn't she? Your name is listed as the doctor who reported the following incidents– interns, including Dr. Grey, admitting to cutting a patient's LVAD wire. Dr. Grey performed a surgery on an intern without an Attending. Dr. Grey instructed a younger resident to remove a brain tumor without consent from the patient or Attending. Dr. Grey would not allow an education consultant to enter her OR, so you suspended her. All of these things familiar to you, Dr. Bailey?

Bailey: all true.

I let out a sigh as Bailey stares Meredith down.


Next up was Gabby's father, Luis.

Luis: my daughter, Gabby– she had terrible stomach pain, and my neighbor told me about the free clinic at the hospital.

Cordova: so you took Gabby there, where you were seen by Dr. Grey?

Luis: yes. She said that Gabby had a mass in her intestine. And she needed surgery.

Cordova: but you didn't have health insurance. For you or your daughter.

Luis: no, I didn't have insurance.

Nancy starts her questioning.

Nancy: you must have been terrified during all of this. Were you by yourself?

Luis: yes. Dani, my wife, she was in a detention center at the time, at the border. This is before they sent her back to Honduras.

Nancy: I am so sorry to hear that. And how's Gabby?

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