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ellie couldn't help but giggle at the uncharacteristic awkwardness ferris displayed.

"sorry about that. the whole bumpin' into you thing," he said, his usual quiet demeanor betraying a hint of embarrassment.

"oh, it's alright, ferris. i should've been lookin' where i was going," she said, a curious glint in her eyes as she noticed the small potted cactus in his hands. "what's with the plant?"

ferris, usually quiet and composed, felt a subtle warmth in his ears. "uh, just thought it might brighten someone's day," he replied, holding up the cactus with a bashful smile.

ellie's eyebrows raised in mild surprise, and a grin tugged at the corners of her mouth. "well, aren't you thoughtful? who's the lucky receiver?"

ferris hesitated for a moment before answering, "i, um, thought you might like it."

ellie's smile widened, and she chuckled. "for me? that's so sweet. thanks, ferris." she accepted the small potted cactus, holding it delicately in her hands.

the two stood there, the midday sun casting a warm glow on the sidewalk, as ferris and ellie engaged in casual conversation. the exchange felt easy, like a natural connection was forming between them.

"so, what've you been up to, ferris?"

ferris smiled and let out a sigh, shoving his hands into his pockets. "avoiding my brother, mostly. some people just don't know how to leave things alone."

ellie looked up at him. "what's that mean? he been botherin' you?"

ferris shook his head. "never mind. hey, we're not too far from my place. he's home right now, how about i introduce you two?"

"well, i'm not grounded anymore, so why not?"

ferris grinned. "all right then, let's go," he said, grabbing her hand and leading the way.

ellie looked down at her hand in his, feeling her face grow warm. it was nothing, really, but ellie, ever the overthinker, couldn't help it. receiving small gestures were quite uncommon for her, especially since she was so standoffish.

the pair continued their stroll through the midtown area, now engaged in a conversation that flowed effortlessly. ferris, usually quiet and reserved, found a surprising ease in talking to ellie. the small potted cactus, now in ellie's hand, became a subtle symbol of their budding connection.

the atmosphere remained comfortable as they walked. ellie couldn't help but notice the warmth of ferris' hand holding hers, a gesture that, while simple, felt significant to her. it wasn't something she was accustomed to, and the rarity of such gestures made it all the more special.

when they approached ferris' place, the lively chatter paused for a moment.

ferris let go of ellie's hand and hesitated before opening the door, a subtle tension in his shoulders. ellie, catching onto the change in his demeanor, arched an eyebrow. "everything okay, ferris?"

he nodded, a fleeting smile playing on his lips. "yeah, just brace yourself for the chaos. my brother can be a bit much... but he means well."

ellie grinned, "don't worry. i've dealt with my fair share of chaos. let's see what he's like."

as they stepped inside, ferris' brother, a boisterous character with a lively spirit, turned from his spot on the couch, eyeing the duo with curiosity. "well, well, ferris. you finally brought someone home. who's this?"

ellie chuckled bashfully. "my name's ellie. nice to meet you."

ferris' brother extended a hand. "riggs williams. pleasure's mine. you a friend of ferris'?"

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