starting a new life

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It has been days now and we are still moving to God know where it's like we are moving in circles. I have to given up but still have to be strong for him prim.

I really miss my baby how cruel the world is that I could not even stay to watch my daughter grow.

She is only a month old and she already has lost one of her parents.

I remember that first time I held her.
She was so small but still fought alot to come to this world.

Prim: brother .
I shook his hand as I had been calling him for almost I don't know how many minutes but still he was not responding.

Prim: look people.
Achi: finally

Prim: let's go
Achi: wait I..
Someone: hand to ur heads move.

30minutes later

Stranger:chief I think they are spies coz I found them near the women's huts.

Stranger 2: who are u? And who sent u here?

Prim: grandpa plz we did not mean to scare u people actually we are looking for a place to stay we got lost and somehow found ourselves here.

Stranger 1: they look like they are lying.
Stranger 3: I think we should keep them they look like they are telling the truth.

Stranger 1: stop basing ur trust on looks.

Stranger 1: let's kill them ur highness .
Stranger 3: father don't I want them to work as my personal servants.

Well they all where talking continuously I don't even think I was able to get some of the things they where saying.

But I liked the other small figure he looked so cute and kind while the other gigantic and stoic faced human I guess we all know HARD FEELINGS for him.

Stranger 2: okay fine we'll spare them but they need to go for registration as part of our villagers.

Prim: thank u sir we will not disappoint you.

Stranger 3: okay so stand up now u will work for me and I hope u will not disappoint me. Both of you are cute I guess uyou are related right!

Prim: yes
Stranger 3: okay enough of everything I am skyla or Kyla and that Mr Rudy over there is my soon to be husband Rodgers.
And that over there is my father and the chief of the clan. He is the big man around but Mr Rudy is always the one being upset instead.

Achi: thank u once more
Skyla: okay okay now let's go so I'll first show u ur rooms and we can later talk about why u guys will be doing here.

Leo's side
Mrs Kingsley: son u can't keep on leaving like this he has shown u his true self and all u need right now is ur child and me .we are ur family tell me if u fail to take care of yourself then who will take care of the family and the industries .

All Leo could do was stay silent as he still could not believe his reason to live a better life a life filled with joy was gone.

Mrs Kingsley: son plz if not that then do it for ur child only she needs you and u know that .
And she signaled the servant to bring in her granddaughter.

Mrs Kingsley: son it would be bad if she looses both u and Achi do you want her to grow up knowing that her parents neglected her tell me do u want her to grow up being an orphan.

With that she hit the jackpot causing a reaction from the young man sitted on a wheelchair in the dark room.

Leo: bring her to me
And the baby smiled showing her dimples and brown eyes.
Mrs Kingsley: our princess has eyes just like her father son she looks alot like you.

He brought his happy daughter close to him as if protecting her even from the whole world.

Mrs Kingsley: is she still going to carry the name he gave her.
Leo:mother she is my little princess Lisa and it's okay the name will be kept but we will give her another that everyone will and should address her by.

Mrs Kingsley: okay but she needs to take her bath and lunch so give her back to me and u relax I'll call the doctor.

Love is both a killer and a healer

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