Part 5

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I have been in a relationship with Noze for quite a long time now. We met when our dance group had a collaboration where we noticed that we shared a lot of similarities.

"Welcome home baby~ How was your day?" She greeted me as I entered our bedroom.

"Pretty good, I brought the aespa girls to see mom after practice just now. Mom was so happy to see them" I briefly told her the details and chuckled.

"That must be so fun" Noze pouted. "I'm sorry I couldn't see her today, our schedule was packed today" She snuggled closer to me after I layed down.

"It's ok, you always visit her. She won't be mad if you missed one" I caressed her hair.

Noze POV

"Did you give her the chocolate that I told you to buy?" I asked him but there was no answer making me glance over to his face. He fell asleep.

Smiling like a fool, I gave his cheek a kiss and proceeded to cuddle him to fall asleep. He must've been exhausted.

"Goodnight baby~ I love you so much" I said and then closed my eyes to sleep.

The next morning came, opening my eyes I was immediately greeted by Y/N, with him staring at me while still in his arms.

"Good morning my love" He smiled and then kissed my forehead as I can only respond to him by smiling due to the sleepiness still taking over my body.

"Am I not getting a good morning from you again?" He asked and gave me a sad look.

"Mmmmmm" I just groaned, still smiling because it's fun to tease him.

He just continued staring at my face, pouting like a kid that just got scolded.

I pecked him in the lips and said "Good morning~ I love you~" with my hoarse voice and he instantly smiled and then hugged me tightly.

"I love you moreee" He pinched my cheeks making my eyes wide open.

"Yahhh! That hurts" I shouted and rubbed my cheeks while pouting.

"Hehe sorry... you're just too cute to resist" He apologised and then got up after kissing my cheek that he pinched before.

"I have to go get ready now. I have practice with aespa later" He continued as I nodded.


As soon as I finished cleaning up, Noze was still in bed reading a book with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Are you heading out now?" She asked me.

"Mhmm you staying home the whole day?" I nodded and asked her back.

"Yeah my schedule is pretty much clear today. I'll be visiting your mom later so I guess I'll see you there" Noze gave me the most heartwarming smile.

"Ok bye baby. I love you" I kissed her before leaving.

"Byee love you too" She said as I headed out.

On the way to the practice venue, I stopped by a coffee shop to buy the aespa girls drinks to show how grateful I am for them last night. Picking their favourite drinks and snacks, I continued my journey to practice.

When I arrived, the girls also had just arrived and they were as usual excited, rushing towards me like cute little kids.

"Hi Y/N!" "Hi Oppa" They greeted me with full enthusiasm.

"Hi girls" I smiled and then showed them the drinks that I bought. "I bought you guys something" They were shocked seeing the drinks.

"You still remember our favourite drinks?!" Karina exclaimed as she closed her mouth with her hands.

"You're so sweet oppa" Ningning said while fake crying.

"Hahahah Of course I do" I proudly stated as they took the drinks, thanking me in the process.

"If we had known that you were treating us we'd also buy you something" Winter felt bad for coming empty handed.

"No it's fine. I'm just thanking you guys for last night" I reassured her while waving my hand.

We then proceeded to head to the practice room to begin our session for the big event that is happening tomorrow .

Right after practice finished, the girls once again asked me if they could visit my mom which I willingly accepted.

They then followed me again in my car and when we had arrived at the hospital, my girlfriend Noze was also there which we saw at the hospital lobby.

"Omg is that Noze?" Winter said seeing the famous dancer.

"What is she doing here?" Ningning questioned.

"Omo she's very pretty up close" Karina continued making me chuckle.

"Do you guys think she'll recognise us?" Giselle excitedly spoke out.

Just as they were busy complimenting her, Noze saw us and got excited.

"Jagiya!" Noze shouted as she ran to me.

"Jagiya!?!?" All the aespa girls exclaimed upon seeing Noze and me hugging each other.

"Uhm....yes this is my girlfriend" I told the surprised girls in front of me.

"Hello! It's soo nice to meet you" Noze greeted them and they all greeted back. She was just excited to see a famous kpop group.

"It's nice to meet you too! You are very pretty!" Giselle complimented the dancer making her blush.

"Nooo you guys are prettier~" Noze waved her hand in embarrassment while clinging onto my arm.

"You guys go ahead and see mom. I'm waiting for the delivery guy to deliver our coffees that I ordered for all of us" Noze then told us as she continued to wait in the lobby.

"Want me to accompany you?" I asked her as she shook her head. "Ok then"

"Ooh let me accompany you" Karina smiled softly and Noze accepted it due to being too shy to reject. The rest of us then proceeded to visit my mom.

My mom as usual was excited to see the aespa girls again to the point that Winter and Ningning squeezed into her bed with her just to watch their fancams which ended up in laughter and amazements.

We spent the entire night full of laughter and fun as the girls got closer with my girlfriend.

To end the night I sent the aespa girls back home to their dorm with them squeezing at the back of my car because we had one more extra passenger for today. They already knew the situation beforehand but their manager was not picking up their calls maybe she was asleep given the current time and they eventually accepted to join our ride.

"Bye oppa!" Ningning and Winter waved at me still full of energy.

"Byee, Rest well Y/N. We have a big day tomorrow" Karina reminded me. The day of our performance was tomorrow.

"Thanks for the ride Y/N and Jihye unnie" Giselle thanked us.

"Bye girls. Go get your beauty sleep" I told them and chuckled.

"Goodbye guyss~ I can't wait to see your performance tomorrow! Fighting!!" Noze encouraged the girls.

After bidding each other farewell, I drove back home with Noze feeling satisfied.

Just as we reached home, we had already entered our bedroom and that's where I received a phone call.

"Hello?" I picked up the call.

"Is this Kim Y/N?" The caller asked making me nervous as Noze held my hand waiting for the response.

Best Friends (aespa X Male Reader X Noze)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu