Astarte grabbed her revolver, slipped it into the holster, and headed towards the elevator before hearing a ding. She paused momentarily and watched Nickolas enter the lobby before smiling at her. "Does your head still hurt, sweetheart?" 

"Oh fuck right off, Nickolas." Astarte rolled her eyes, pushing past him and stepping into the elevator before Nickolas stopped the doors from closing. 

"Are you fucking serious?" Astarte said, rolling her eyes, watching the doors open and show Nickolas

"Where are you going?" 

"Anywhere away from you." Astarte began to press the basement button, watching as the doors didn't budge. "Nickolas, I swear to god." 

"What the issue, sweetheart? Can't stand to be around me anymore?" 

"Shut the fuck up already," Astarte said before crossing her arms and watching him enter the elevator with her. The doors closed behind him. 

"I just want to know where you are going." 

"For a drive. I might stop by Neorch's work while I'm at it."

"So, to a bar to get more drunk after getting hammered last night. Great idea." Nickolas rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall of the elevator.

"The fuck are you going on about?"

"You don't remember?" Nickolas said, widening his eyes.

"You got crazy and started flirting with me." 

Astarte glared at Nickolas, "I seriously doubt it." Astarte said bringing her hand against her neck to hide the hickey Neorch gave her, along with plenty of others.

"That's what you said last time." 

Astarte laughed to herself before watching Nickolas push himself onto her. She quickly pushed him back. "Dude. Neorch and I are in a VERY active relationship. Can you stop lying?" 

"Im fucking tired of it," Astarte said, turning away from Nickolas. "How the hell can I make you shut up about this." 

"Legally? Or how I want it?" Nickolas stared at Astarte as she turned away. 

"That was a stupid question, wasn't it," Astarte said, regretting her statement.

"I can't even shoot your ass because you are technically blood," Astarte said, watching as the elevator opened to the main floor instead of the basement. Guns pointed at them both, and shouting was heard immediately. "ASTARTE. GET ON THE GROUND!" A SWAT member yelled, pointing his rifle barrel in her face. One of the SWAT members grabbed Nickolas, pulling him aside and slamming him on the ground. 

"Oh fuck this." Astarte pushed the barrel out of her face, punching the member in the face and watching him fall to the floor. Pulling out her revolver and pointing it at a commanding officer.

"Put down your goddamn rifles," Astarte said, reaching for her pistol on her ankle before watching them yell for her to stop moving. 

"Sease fire! Put down your gun, and we will do the same." The commanding officer begged, staring down the barrel of her revolver, watching Astarte grin. 

"Have you ever been a hostage before?" 

"You should know better, Astarte. They never work out." 

"Oh, but it will in my case," Astarte said, punching the commanding officer and watching SWAT members aim at her as she pointed her revolver against his skull. 

"You all have families. Don't make me regret this later." Astarte begged, pulling the commander officer back, watching Nickolas as they detained him already.

"Astarte. Please just come in willingly. You are making this more difficult than it has to be. We will create a plead deal." 

"You haven't caught me yet. You won't catch me now. I'm not sorry." Astarte said, taking the gun off the commanding officer and shooting the SWAT members, watching them fall like dominos. 

Once all of them were down, Astarte released the commanding officer, watching him fall to the floor with bullet holes scattered across his body.

"Well," Astarte said before stepping over to the bodies, grabbing a knife from her vest, and cutting the zip ties around Nickolas's hands, accidentally slicing a bit of Nickolas's hand. "OW!" 

"Will that make you shut up? I can leave you here if you keep playing with me." Astarte said, bringing Nickolas off his stomach.

"Okay.." Nickolas said, getting up from the floor. "I think I'm going to be sick.." 

"Ah yes, typical," Astarte said before checking behind the desk for the receptionist, noticing her crouched down. "Are you okay?" 


"Okay. Good." Astarte said, returning to the elevator. "Are you joining or what?" 

"I think I might," Nickolas said, stepping into the elevator, closing the door behind him, and pressing the roof floor. Nickolas stepped back, watching Astarte's eyes trail him. 

"What..are you doing?" 

"Just watch. I didn't join the mafia for your sister. They have your basement flooded." 

Astarte watched the doors open, hearing the sound of a helicopter hovering above. 

"I don't have the right guns for this." Astarte looked at the night sky, watching the light from the helicopter search the rooftop. 

"Go," Astarte said, pushing Nickolas back into the elevator and hitting the button for their floor. 

"I want you to go in your room—or Jaycee's. I want you to act like you are asleep. You understand? They are here for me. You know nothing. Don't say a single word if you get detained until a lawyer is present." 

"Why are they here, Astarte??" Nickolas said, hearing silence from Astarte as the door opened to their floor. She quickly ran down the hall. He attempted to keep up. He stepped into her doorway, seeing the wall of rifles, Gernades, Pipe bombs, Rocket launchers, and so much more. 

"Woah.." Nickolas said, watching Astarte grab a rifle from the wall before momentarily placing it back. "I told you to go back to your room." Astarte turned around and watched Nickolas duck out of the way and run down the hall. 

Astarte sat on her bed, opened her phone, and called Neorch. Deciding to give in. She knows she can't win this war. 

"Hey babe, I uh..I might be getting arrested here shortly. The SWAT has the penthouse surrounded. Someone is a rat. That's all I'm saying." 

"Is there anything I can do?" Neorch said, stepping out from the bar into a quiet place. 

"No, they will be coming for you next. Don't resist. Just tell them we were at the bar the night I killed that whore." 

"Alright...I love you." 

"I love you too." Astarte hung up the phone before hearing footsteps in the hallway. "Clear" Was heard

Astarte stood walking around her bed, turning off her light and closing the door behind her. Astarte sighed as she turned, placing her hands in the sky. She felt someone grab her hands and jerk them behind her back. 

She felt them grab her revolver, throwing it to the floor. "Astarte, You are under arrest for murder." Astarte heard the man say before reading off her rights, which, at that point, she stopped listening. 

Neorch stepped out of the stock room, watching cops fill the bar and catch Neorch's eyes. "fuck." he said, watching Gambit freeze. 

"Neorch. will you come down to the station with us?" 

"I guess," Neorch said before taking off her apron and handing it to Gambit. 

"I'm glad you cooperate. Your wonderful girlfriend just shot my commanding officer." 

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