Chapter 21 - The Coiled Snake

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"Could they care a little less?" Arwyn huffs, trying to downplay her frustration at being scolded like a child, again.

"Are they... always like this?" Peter asks nervously, pointing at the bickering pair.

"Pretty much." Bucky smirks, looking down at Peter as he firmly pats him on the back. "I might be partly to blame for that."

The three sat quietly, watching as the argument between the two men quickly divulged from its original point.

After a few minutes, Bucky stepped forward, firmly clearing his throat and catching the room's attention before gesturing down to Arwyn, reminding Steve and Tony of why they were there.

"Right, that." Steve sighed, shaking his head as he looked at Tony. "Word's already gotten out about the attack, people want answers."

"Answers for what?" Arwyn asked, confused. Whether intentionally or not, the four ignored Arwyn's question. Annoyed, Arwyn watched as Bucky moved to the far side of the room, standing beside Steve as the conversation continued.

Letting out a deep sigh, Arwyn turned back to Peter, letting out a huff as the boy gave her a sympathetic smile.

"You get used to that." Peter laughed nervously, trying his best to reassure Arwyn.

"I thought I already had." Arwyn aggressively mumbled to herself.

Letting out a deep sigh, Arwyn wrapped her arms around her body, wincing slightly as the pain in her arm throbbed. Rubbing the spot gently, she sunk further into her chair. She wanted to sit silently and feel sorry for herself, but there was something more important she had to do first.

"Thanks by the way." Arwyn's words to Peter were quiet, her smile soft. "I can't begin to imagine what would have happened to me if you weren't there."

"I was just doing what I had too." Peter blushed, shrugging as he looked away, flustered by the compliment.

"You're really modest." Arwyn thought out loud, looking over to the bickering hero's across the table. "It's ... refreshing."

"Oh, that's just how Mr. Stark shows he likes you." Peter gives Arwyn an honest smile, catching her off guard.

"You really believe that?" Arwyn's smile dipped, her expression turning blue. She hadn't meant it rudely, more as a genuine question. "It feels like he only knows how to be sarcastic and cold."

Peter shrugged, turning to give Arwyn another sweet smile. The two hadn't interacted much, but whenever they had, Peter always seemed so kind.

'Is he always like this?' Arwyn thought to herself, making a mental note to give Peter her number later. A friend like that wouldn't be the worst thing to have.

"That doesn't make him a bad person." The boy began to buzz, practically bouncing in his seat. "After all, he made my suit even though he didn't have to, a bad person wouldn't do that."

Astonished, Arwyn smiled, shaking her head in disbelief as she looked over Peter.

"You see the good in people, how?" Arwyn spoke quietly.

Peter's smile faltered slightly, his own mind racing. His life had felt so long, even if he was young. Everyone he cared about had taught him to love people for who they could be, not what they were. He knew not everyone thought like this, but maybe there was a way to make Arwyn understand.

"You saw the good in Loki, didn't you?" Arwyns smile dropped, her heart aching at Peter's words.

It felt like the whole world faded away, Peter's point hitting Arwyn's heart like a bullet. She'd been so angry at the group that took away her friend, that she'd stopped looking for reason along the way, only wanting to remain angry.

The Mighty Loki - Loki X OCΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα