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Brida continued following the bird, deeper and deeper into the forest as it flew from tree to tree whenever she got close. She was unable to stop, for the melody was too beautiful. She ventured further than ever before, this part of the forest and what lied beyond was uncharted, where not even the Danes could navigate. In one swoop moment, the melody stopped and the little bird had disappeared in the treetops. In the blink of an eye, Brida gained her consciousness back. She now stood in a tiny glade, still surrounded by tall, dark trees, both pine and leaf. There were but a few rays of sunlight peeking through the leaves and branches. The setting around her had a calm but eerie aura. Brida looked around and saw in the distance in front of her, a large stone boulder. She curiously, but cautiously, went towards it, and as she got closer, more and more boulders of different sizes revealed themselves. They stood in a circle, each piece seemed to once have been carefully arranged, but were now surrounded by overgrown greenery, nightshades and ivy covering the most.
Brida now stood just outside the stone circle, struck in awe by the unfamiliar and almost spiritual sight. She wondered if the bird had meant to lead her here, to perhaps show her something, or if she just ended up there accidentally. Either way, she was lost, deep in the unknown forest. No sounds from the camp could be heard, nor any animals. There was only silence and a faint bustling of the leaves from the very top of the trees. One ray of light in particular shone upon the tallest of the boulders. She squinted her eyes, trying to make out what looked like man made markings on its surface. It seemed to be text in a foreign script. Although Brida could not read, she could recognise the runes which the Danes use. These markings were unlike any she had seen before. Brida shrugged it off and continued picking the flowers when a sudden unsettling stillness enveloped her. Something did not seem to be right. Unease settled in her gut, prompting her to leave and find a way back. She arranged the flora which filled her basket and stood up.
Just before leaving, Brida noticed the dark, purple nightshades. They could be used to make poison so she stalled for a moment to pick a bunch. She squatted down and began to pluck the flowers, turning her back to most of the open forest. Brida suddenly heard the crunch and rustling of fallen leaves on the ground and small twigs breaking, quickly jumping to her feet, with one hand ready on her sheathed dagger. A short and crooked old woman emerged from between two of the boulders. She wore a hooded, dark green robe, with her stripy, long white hair reaching her lower back. Her face was covered in wrinkles and decorated with moles and warts. The lady was indeed ugly, thought Brida, but nothing about her was intimidating. Relieved that it was not a beast or an attacker, Brida relaxed her stance but remained on edge.
“Are you lost? You must be freezing.”, the old woman asked, in a creaky, but calm voice as she approached.
"Thank the Gods, another human. I’ve wandered far from my camp.", Brida said, feeling a slight sense of relief that the woman didn’t seem like a total lunatic. The woman came closer, flashing a warm smile.
“I thought so. I assumed you did not come this deep into the forest picking flowers.”, The old woman chuckled. Brida’s brows furrowed at the chuckling. ‘She seems too friendly’ Brida thought.
“I like picking the flowers here myself, but the mushrooms are the best. Have you seen them? They grow mostly behind here.”, the woman gestured for Brida to come over and look behind one of the boulders.
Brida slowly walked over to where the strange woman stood and saw several troops of mushrooms, both ones that were edible and ones that were poisonous. Brida relaxed at the sight, relieved that there was not something other than mushrooms. Both Brida and the old woman started picking mushrooms. Brida’s basket was now filled to the brim, the weight of it heavy on her arm. It could not possibly hold any more.
“Can you point out south from here?”, Brida asked the lady. She pointed in the direction with her gnarled fingers.
“Are you leaving already? Please, let me give you some warm food before you go. I have a fresh batch of cabbage stew on the fire. Perfect when it’s cold.”
“Who are you exactly?”, Brida stood still and waited for the woman’s reply.
“Me? I’m just an old crone. Or, that’s what they call me anyways.”, the woman snickered.
“Who are ‘they’?”
“Oh, my children. They like to tease. They visit me out here sometimes and I always serve that stew.”, she winked playfully. “Come now. Please. Do an old crone a favor.” she gave Brida a soft gaze.
“Alright, but I must leave before dusk.”
The two of them started walking along a short trail. At the end of it was a small stone hut, embedded in the earth, with grass covering it. Lots of smoke came from a tiny chimney on the roof. The crone opened the door, a cozy warmth and delicious smell hitting Brida’s nose.
“We’re just in time! It looks ready.” the crone cheered.
“Please, have a seat.”, she pulled out a small stool for Brida. Brida sat down, taking a good look around. It was very cluttered, cobwebs and books covering the dusty shelves. There was also a faint moldy smell. The crone took two bowls and scooped up some stew in both of them. She put the bowls down onto the table and sprinkled some fresh mushrooms on top.
“These go well on top. They add a rich aroma.”, the crone exclaimed as she sat down and dug in. Brida did not feel comfortable being served food by a stranger, but seeing her eat it herself she shrugged. Brida brought the bowl to her lips, blowing on the steaming hot soup before taking a sip. The soup warmed her belly and expelled the cold from her body. She took another sip and enjoyed it even more. It was a hearty meal, filling her up properly. Brida met the crone’s gaze and gave her a quick smile. The crone smiled back.
After finishing their meal, Brida felt calm. Her heart beat slowly, and her mind began to haze. Her vision got blurry and she felt sleepy. Her eyelids got heavier and heavier. The last thing she saw was the old crone with her wide smile. That haunting smile.

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