"here" chan gave me the phone, I waited for the older to respond it felt like forever come on.
"changbin what do you..."
"it is me..felix" I cut him off biting my lips, silence filled the other line...i could only hear his breath.
"what is wrong?" he asked it sounded like a whisper.
"where did you go?" I asked him back.
"what are you trying to do?" han said, I shook my head mentioning for him to keep quiet.
"felix, just take care of hyunjin..."
"well hyunjin woke up and he said he needs to see you...it is urgent...he refused to tell any of us" I cut him off making the other three men eyes' turn wide in surprise.

"fine, I am coming" he answered hanging up.
"you lied to him" han said.
"well, we want him to come back without him knowing about the tracking app or whatever."I shrugged.
"and what are you going to do after he comes...chain him up" changbin hyung pointed making me look at him.
"if that's what it takes then yes...but this time lee minho is not going to run away from us...this game is going to stop" I announced clenching my jaw...i won't let him disappear again...this is our last try...and I promised jisung that I will do my best to get everyone together...and I am planning on keeping that promise.

Minho's pov
"I need to leave" I told Mr yun.
"but you just came back..."
"hyunjin woke up...he wants to talk" I cut him off taking a deep breath.
"are you really going to kill her?" the old man asked.
"she started it" I replied rubbing my forehead.
"killing kim's daughter will cause a war between the serpents and dark stone..."
"if you had forgotten Ahn already announced a war...killing her is going to be for his  mafia's benefits" I said taking a deep breath.
"since when you want to..."

"I don't give a damn about the darkstone but at this moment the serpents are my enemies...and the enemy of my enemy is my friend...i will first destroy the serpents then the darkstone...don't worry I will keep my promise for you" I told the old man who sighed." I go what I wanted...i find out about why my dad gave up on hoseok"I added making his eyes widen, I start telling him about what haerin told me as he listened at me with a shocked expression.
"that...that was..."
"unexpected I know" I cut him off.
"I am sorry minho, I dragged you into this...if...if maybe you..."
"after killing kang I lost the right to be next to them uncle....i chose to join you with my own will don't worry" I said making him nod.

"they told me that the DNA results are going to be out tomorrow...if she is my granddaughter could you help me get her back?" he asked making me nod.
"of course, but what are you planning to do? You know this place is going to turn into a blood bath" I said with a raised eyebrow.
"I have some money saved up...i think I am going to leave with her...maybe Japan" he said with a small smile.
"I am sorry for saying this but ahn soyeon is not stable...i won't be surprised if she is mentally sick...i advise taking her to a psychiatrist " I answered.

"yeah...she lived with that monster after all...god knows what she saw and witnessed that messed her whole life" Mr yun said shaking his head sadly" how about you? You are going to kill Kim seunghee for hurting hyunjin...and then destroy the two mafias...what about you? What are you planning to do?" he asked making me look away....u have no answer for that...i have no idea what should I do?let's see how this will turn out.
"I am going" I announced walking outside...i am happy that he is okay...
I entered the car before started to drive back to the hospital...i am so stupid for not thinking about that woman...i mean she did not do anything for year's in fact she was out of the picture for years...why act now?

I parked my car before I made my way inside the hospital...i walked back to the waiting room to look for one of the boys...i have no idea where hyunjin's room is and I don't want to risk getting the attention of the workers here.
I froze when I was pulled by my arm when I was passing one of the rooms...out of reflex I grabbed my knife in a swift move pinning whoever even the person way on the wall only to be met with felix's shocked face.
"what the hell were you thinking?" I yelled clenching my jaw removing the knife from his throat.
"you what" I cut him off.

"stop acting like a damn asshole" I stepped back from Felix to see jisung in the other  side of the room...he was glaring me.
I glanced between the two before it clicked...they tricked me.
"hyunjin did not wake up yet..."
"he didn't...where the hell did you go?" han said walking closer.
"well thank god you went back to normal...you looked like a scared puppy whenever you looked at me...i am scary to you know jisung...that's good to know...i am a killer you should be..."
"I am not scared of you damn it" he yelled taking me off guard.
"well you were when I told you about..."
"I was shocked...and I am not scared of you...i am terrified " he answered.

I knew it, I glanced down the floor feeling my heart sink...I expected this but hearing it from his mouth feels worse...I feel like my soul had been torn apart...
"look at me" I felt a wave a warmth when jisung took my chin between his finger guiding my head up." I am not scared or terrified of you...i am scared of losing you hyung"he added, I can't hold it anymore...i felt hot tears escape my eyes...i can't do this anymore...for years I tried to live away from them...but being this close... seeing how hurt they are makes me want to break down...i caused this...i should have came back...i should have died instead of hoseok....hyunjin shouldn't have looked for me.

"you are stupid jisung...you are hurting yourself...i am hurting you..."
"the only way that are hurting us with is the you are trying to push us away...what you are doing will only bring suffering to all of us...i am not going to give up on you as long as I am alive and breathy....you better kill me then ask me that...neither of us will hyung...so you better stop fighting.... because none of us will let you go" he cut me off caressing my cheek with his thumb.
"you don't." felix said coming closer.
"as jisung said...this needs to stop hyung...we need to stand together against whoever is this woman is..."he added.

"so you are ready to live with a person like me?" I asked glancing between the two.
"I am not going to lie...you did a lot of mistakes...but everyone deserves a second chance...we could be reckless sometimes...i am talking from experience...but we deserve this hyung...we suffered for years...let us have our peace please stop resisting...please" han said as tears escaped his eyes...what should I do?
I froze when I was pulled into a tight hug between the two...i did not plan for this to happen....

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