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(A/N: This is my first ff so i would appreciate critism and pointers from anyone willing to help.Also i dont know why i added that picture there but it judt feels right)

3rd person pov

These events take place while arthur is 10, so excatcly 1 year after he decides to become an adventurer.He decided to tell everyone his secret about him a reincarnate ,including the eraliths since they were in xyrus for a meeting with the glayders.The twin horns were also in town at the time.

So did they accetpt him for who he was...?

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They lashed out at him,well not everyone because Ellie admired her brother for being a king in his past life though she really didn't understand why almost everyone was against him,Jasmine also didn't really care much about him being a king and even was about to start defended him from the insults being thrown towards him but was signalled by Arthur to stop.Lilia was shoocked but did not care beacuse he was helping her to become a mage.

the people who didn't care about Arthur's reincarnation are Ellie,Jasmin,Lillia,Druden,Angela and Helen

Eventualy he just left without saying a word except goodbye to the people who didn't care about his reincarnation

He went to live in the Beast Glades training with Sylvie who he treated like a sister due to him considering Sylvia more of a mother figure than he did alice

Arthur's pov

Its been 1 year since i ran away from home after i told them my secret. It hurt me grately due to thought that i could trust them... i thought wrong.I never really expresesd myself much to anybody other than Sylv who managed to unlock her human form due to us diving into the deepest parts of the beast glades where there were a ton of  S and SS class mana beast .

I also reached mid orange with cracks,for some unkown reason my appearanced changed when i entered this stage.

My once auburn hair  now had wheat blonde threads and Azure coloured eyes are had a tint of gold.It shocked me at first but i liked it more for making look my like Sylv and i do have to admit i does make me more handsome i can say that with 100 percent.

One day while Sylv and i were fighting another elderwood guardian my hand hit something and that thing shatterd and got stuck in my hand without me nor sylv being able to move it.

(A/N: Couldn't think of any other way to include regis in the story)

I let sylv look into all my memories of my past life and ever since that day we became closer than we were before because she felt glad i trusted  enough to do so.

Sylvie was resting  and i was cooking dinner until... 

Arthur : "Sylv do you hear that?"

Sylvie : "yeah its pretty hard not to notice that loud sound grey."

Arthur : "Why do you keep calling me that."

Sylvie : "what?"

Arthur : "grey"

Sylvie : "i just like to you no longer consider yourself art anymore know."


A giant hole formed in the inside the wall and two figures appeard

Arthur :"Who are you?"

??? :"I finally found you two "

With tears streaming down one the unknown individuals faces who seemed familiar for some reason

Arthur : "I asked again who are you?"

??? : "Now now Arthur you dont recognise your own grandmother"

Sylvie : "Mom?"

Sylvie and i ran towards grandma Sylvia with tears of joy flowing down our faces.We then asked who has accompaniying her and she answered with something i didn't excpect in a million years 

Sylvia :Ohh that is Agrona Vitra,the High Sovereign of Alacryia and... my husband.

Our eyes widend at  this revelation,we then caught up with eachother,i explained to grandma how i told everyone and they rejected  me except for a few individuals.We were then told by grandma how the person who went after her was scythe cadell and how he had been working with her father Kezess Indrath who was afraid that she would striv for the thrown to eliminate her

We then went to Alacryia with our new parents where we would start a new chapter in our lives.

Hey guys this the first chapter of my first fanfic so i wanna know your thought and opinoins about it.Have a good day everyone

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