↠[The Ultimate Disciple]

Start from the beginning

He stood up, catching everyone's attention, all which immediately turned to face him with surprised expressions. Through gritted teeth and tired eyes, the man slowly turned to face one of the many digital screens, displaying various of the S-Class heroes, but also a C-Lister, and a B-Listener amongst them. He turned to glance at the leader at the table, nodding his head, earning himself a nod of confirmation in return.


He put down the dishes and stood to attention immediately.

Calmly reaching for the ringing phone, Genos took the call and put the device to his ear. As usual, he had a serious glare on his face, and remained quiet throughout the entire briefing of this life-or-death scenario mission — He was not shaken. He turned to look out through the window as the details were laid out, and his eyes zoomed into the distance of the red-glowing asteroid that had just entered the orbit of the world.

Genos: ["Should I go now? ... Understood"]

He put down the phone and turned it off, walking out the kitchen, and heating his own arms to dry them off the water from the dishes he was washing. Making his way through the small and rather-cramped apartment, it was not long before he had reached the living room. There laid the strongest man he's ever laid his eyes on — Careless scratching his butt while staring at nowhere in a turned-off TV.

Genos: ["Master... For some reason the Hero Association wants me and Master Y/N to come in. We'll be back later"]

Saitama: ["Sure... Maybe you two are getting fired hehehehe"]

He giggled to himself as he continued to carelessly scratch at his butt with no worries, at all, present in his face. Genos made his way out of the apartment, and leaped on a single attempt all the way to its roof, front-flipping into the ledge, where, on the other side, he found the man he was looking for. He sat by himself, humming to the song of a radio while his gun rested on his lap, being constantly tinkered with.

As always, that porcelain-like mask covered his face. The empty, soulless nothing of the mouth and the eyes always shadowing whatever laid beneath them. Even the light of the lit cigarette by his lips would do nothing to spark a single color beneath that pitch-black void. The expensive black Vicuna suit he wore, paired with its leather shoes and gloves, or the linen, only shadowed his figure even more under the mask.

Genos: ["Sensei-"]

Y/N: ["I know. I felt it entering atmosphere"]

Y/N cut the cyborg off before he could even finish, standing up and taking one final, long drag of his cigarette. The dust floated away from his suit with a tone of purple, looking almost like a thousand little stars shining across the empty galaxy that was his body. He perfectly flickered the butt of the cigarette into a trashcan down in the street, and turned to face Genos while loading his weapon full, and silently chuckling.

Y/N: ["What a pain, I was hoping to have a day off, but... No rest for the wicked"]

Genos: ["But we are the good guys, sir"]

Y/N: ["Ah, Genos... In their own story, in their own story, everyone is a hero"]

He tapped the cyborg's shoulder as he walked past, nonchalantly dropping from the ledge of the building and landing with no problems in the ground. The evening sun felt warm to the touch of most, but Y/N could not feel it, Nor could he feel anything. Genos pondered Y/N words for a little while longer, but pushed them and his master's strangely-serious attitude to the side for now, and also dropped from the building.

𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐖𝐁𝐎𝐘 │  [M!Reader x Tatsumaki]Where stories live. Discover now