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this is my first short story so hope you guys like it :)

He ALWAYS wore green.

   It seemed as though every single time she saw him, he was wearing the specific hue in some way or another.  Very seldom did a day go by when Robin noticed Matt didn't have the ever-present color green on in any way shape or form.  The fact that the dark haired boy always wore green drove Robin crazy.  

   The girl hated green. More than hated, she despised green with a burning passion.  She could never wear it (in her opinion) with her light complexsion and thick, curly blonde hair.  "Why did it have to be that color?" she wondered to herself. 

   Finally Robin had had enough.  Before school was starting she walked up to her friend and sat next to him on the table.  Matt was wearing a green Holister T-shirt with a forest green cotton jacket. 

   "Why do you always wear green?" she asked almost impatiently, "What makes green so special?" 

  He just flashed her a cute smile and answered, "I don't know i guess because it's my favorite color. And your one to talk, you always wear blue and purple!" At this he poked her in the shoulder which she returned with a pat on the head before the bell rang and it was time for class to begin.  

    Well i guess that makes sense she thought to herself as their Algebra class dragged on.  A small voice in her head whispered that maybe green wasn't such a bad color after all. In fact, though Robin would never ever tell Matt so, maybe green was starting to become her favorite color.

Well what do you think? please reveiw and tell me if you likey!! ok bye bye now!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2013 ⏰

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