Chapter five:Tiffany

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As I enter the house i go straight to my room to take a's already four o'clock and I know myself so well,I can use the entire time i have in dressing up for the party.
I don't even want to bother about calling Henry to tell him i am going to a party with Ashley . i know his answer is going to be a no.
I sit on the bed with my towel on and my wet hair dripping down my shoulder ,I pick up my phone and call my mom to check on her since we haven't talked on the phone for a while.
I didn't want her or dad to ask if I need anything so i managed not to speak with them through out last week.
Things have been tight for mom and dad since the fire out break in their hardware store in Washington and raising my twin baby siblings is not an easy task .i am thinking on finding a job here at new York so i can make things easier for mom and dad,Henry paid for my house rent this time and I didn't tell them because I am saving the money they gave me for the house rent for a rainy day.
Mom didn't pick up my call and i am sure the twins might have put it on silent so i decide to call dad and he picks up immediately.
"Hello dad, just called to check up on you." I say as i sigh.
"Oh darling it's good to hear from you again , I actually didn't call to check on you because I've been busy at work and we now take shifts with your mom in taking care of the twins." He laughs
I smile as i say "it's alright dad, i hope you guys are doing great."
"We are all fine Titi,the twins are missing you.they can't wait to see you home again."
I here the sound of the door opening through the phone "i have a client to attend to titi I have to hang up now, love you.bye!"
He hangs up and i smile knowing my family is doing well and i clumsily lay my back on the bed.horridly I raise my body back remembering my hair is wet and I don't want to wet my bed cover.i also need to think of what to wear because i am already shivering and the weather is very cool today.
I fixed my hair in to a loose,tousled curls some minutes ago and my black hair is shining gorgeously as i stand in front of the mirror admiring how beautiful it looks.
"I think I am going to wear the pink dress Henry stopped me from wearing the other day." I giggle and open my wardrobe to bring out the dress.
I so much love the dress because Henry's mom gave it to me and it suits my body so well.
As i zip down the zipper on the dress i fit my legs into it, I suddenly notice the front flare of the dress has been cut with a scissor i think.i start to panic as i take off the dress.
"I know Henry did this,how could he?" I start to cry and go down on my knees as i rest my arms on the bed and continue to sob.
"Why is Henry so mean to me sometimes?" I say,Henry does so many disrespectful things to me and i still don't show him how bad i feel about it.
I suddenly develop a feeling of courage and comfort as I stand up and open my wardrobe, I sight the long-sleeve ribbed mini A-line dress i bought online last summer.
It has been inside my wardrobe for a long time because i am waiting to wear it on Henry's birthday. He has disappointed me for what he did to my pink dress so I've changed my mind.
"I am going to wear this dress to Triston's party." I tiptoe in a playful way to the mirror and place the dress on my body admiring how stunning i am going to look in it.
I wear the dress slowly and zip up the zipper at the lower back starting from my waist because the back is open and i turn to look at my back.
The dress is just giving a ballerina vibe because it fits perfectly on my tiny waist and it's flare is laying calmly on my wide hips.
Suddenly,The door bell starts to ring continuously. "Ashley's way of ringing the doorbell." I sigh and run to open the door for her before she spoils my door bell.
"Oh wow,wow,wow,ww-oo-www." You look so adorable tiffi.Ashley holds my hand and raise it up as she spins me around.
"I am hundred percent sure all the guys are going to hit their head on the wall being carried away by how stunning you look." I blush as i hug her and whisper to her ear "take me out of this place,i want to party all night."
I wink at her as she stares at me in amazement ,I know she is surprised about what i just said.
"Party all night tiffi,"are you sure about what you just said?" She gives me a cold glare.
"Do i look drunk ?" Of course i mean what i just it a problem if i want to party all night today?
"Ahhh it's fine tiffi,it's just so unlike you,Also for being Henry's girlfriend."
She looks at me and narrow her eyes. " it's almost six o'clock,get your things and let's get going." Ashley says as she starts a funny chacha dance by taking quick steps as she follows me to my room.
"Ash!" I whisper as we stand beside a huge piano inside Triston's living room watching everyone do their things.
It's a famous people's party i guess because I've looked at the faces of almost everyone here and i often see these faces on television,posters or social media.
"I guess we are the only people that aren't famous here,I think i am going to throw up."i say as i rap my arms on my tummy.
"You dare not tiffi,Uhmm-umm." Ashley glares at me in warning .
Stay right here don't move,I am going to find Triston she says as she looks round the room and leave before I could say a word.
"I hate you Ashley Morgan." Ughhhh
I groan silently as i take few steps backward and lean on the wall.everyone here looks so elegant and classy, I feel like I Just bought my dress from a thrift shop.nobody notices my existence here even the waiters. "What has Ashley got me into?"
I look around to see if I could see someone i know but no, "I know all this faces on instagram."
Maybe you should just leave Tiffany or find somewhere to hide. I create impossible scenarios on my head.
My dress is long sleeve but it feels like i am inside an ice.despite the plenty number of people here this room feels like Antarctic,I've never been there but i know it should be as cold as Triston's house.
"I never knew winter could come this soon." I say in a low voice as I stretch my neck and pip through the window beside me.
The snow is falling like a confetti captured falling in a slo-mo I turn back my head i hear a sharp male voice speaking.
"are you looking for me gorgeous,I've been waiting for you to come."
Triston gives me a tight hug as i stand clueless and keep breathing heavily.he let go of me as I breath out and he stands too close to me i can perceive the citrus,woody and spicy scent of his perfume,it's light and fresh and has airy feel.
"i just want to sniff his shirt right now but hell no."
He puts his hands inside his pockets and he smirks as he stares at me and I quickly put my head down.
"Oops , sorry about the hug." He bends , lower his head and takes my left hand and gives it a quick polite kiss.he gives me a scared look as he raises up his head.
"It's nice seeing you again Tiffany."
I give him a sheepish i am about to say
After placing a spider on my head?
I quickly remind myself not to be a brusque and let things go.
"Ehmm-mm,yeah! Likewise." I say as i force myself to lower my head again to avoid our eyes from meeting each other.because right now it looks like i am standing in front of a giraffe.Triston is all grown up and i can fully remember how tall he was as a kid,that gave him the nerve to place a spider on my head.
Triston is standing in front of me today again looking so breathe taking.
"You look older n-o-w." I say as i force out a smile and peep beside him to see if anyone is looking at us.
Triston laughed so loud it made almost everyone standing around turn to look at us. "I feel like screaming right now."
"Let's go,I want to introduce you to my friends."he grabs my hand without looking at the frustration on my face.
We walk past the guests as i admire the way Triston walks with confidence and purpose. His broad shoulders are relaxed with confident stride, with his head held high and his shoulders back. This obviously shows his athletic gait, moving with efficiency and grace.
He keeps dragging me as i try to let go of his hand but he wins. His hand is just so strong and three times the size of my hands.
I follow him behind like a kitten as he is holding my hand. finally,we approach a room with a glass door and he slowly turns to look at me.
"Don't worry my friends are the coolest,so feel free." He pulls me towards him and places his arms on my shoulder, my tiny elbow touches his tummy and i can only feel his abdominal muscles firm and tight. "i didn't see this coming,the Triston i know since childhood didn't show any sign of developing such an artistic body structure."
I raise my head to look at his face again as he opens the door and we enter.All the guys in the room freeze as they see us.
"ohh hi Tiffi."

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