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"Aw man! Why did the bell have to ring now" A boy in his 20s whined as he got disturbed reading his book.

"Fourth.. the professor will beat your ass if you won't stop getting crazy over this book." His friend looked at him in disbelief, getting annoyed by hearing the same thing again and again.

"Pond.. you know how much I love reading. " Fourth showed his puppy eyes while trying to make him agree with him.

"Anyways this book just seem so incomplete. Look the pages are missing!!" Fourth let out his dramatic side as if the whole world is going to be end.

Pond, supporting his friend with his drama also joined him and let out a dramatic voice,

"Maybe the pages had some spirit releasing spell and that's why the holy monks torn them out.." 

Hearing this Fourth stopped and looked at Pond with wide eyes, like he found out his missing puzzle.

"Yeah, it must be like that. We should go look for this." He let out an excited smile, dedicated to find out the missing pages. While, Pond looked at his friend in complete disbelief..

"You know I was kidding, right? I am not helping you with this, Fourth!" Pond shaked his head rejecting Fourth's decision but boy was too stubborn.

"But I wasn't.. meet me after school, okay?" Without hearing any answer, Fourth ran out leaving a speechless Pond, who was regretting his life decision..

"Fuck.. this boy and his imagination. Lord where am I stuck" Pond was making crying faces while whining out loud.








"I- Please forgive me, Prince.." Begs could be heard around the corridor.

A man was kneeling down and a boy around his 20s was looking at him emotionless, releasing his pheromones that were suffocating everyone..

"The only way you get forgiveness is DEATH!" The boy growled as his eyes started turning golden..

"G-Gem.. S-Sto-" A bang was heard and Gemini instantly looked at that direction, I aonly to find his brother laying there trying to catch his breathe.

"Phu, what are you doing here.. I told you to stay in your room." Worried, Gemini let out a calming scent trying to stop his dominance..

But it was not helping...

Being a pure-blooded alpha, his pheromones are strong and if an omega comes in contact with this, it takes time for them to feel normal again.


After some time, 

Phuwin got his conscious back and he looked around to find Gemini sleeping beside his bed.. He smiled softly looking at his brother who was looking so peaceful..

"Dear Moon Goddess, please don't let Gem be mateless like me. Send him a mate who can take care of him, love him and handle his hot-head, who can bring out his soft side again."

Phuwin softly kissed his brothers forehead, before drifting back to sleep.

When the stars align together, new paths are created and those who walk through this find themselves to another world in another dimension .









Hope this year, happiness surrounds you and your dreams come true..

I am starting this book, only after completing my previous one so I hope you guys wait for this!!

This is like a trailer so hope you guys enjoy this storyline too..

I don't know when this book will be published? Around April? May?

Cuz I love the concept of Omegaverse yet I still don't know more about it so I gotta learn about it more and more! 

Till then.. you guys gotta wait!

Thanking you all again for the patience and your time🙃

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