Chapter 193 : Dead for Love

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"Jiamo was a kind girl. Although she had been removed from the family, she still stayed at a place that wasn't too far away from us. She always thought that since she wouldn't be inheriting anything, none of them would see her as their enemy. However, one of the men who worked for her shared the news of how they had a breakthrough in the gene lab experiment.

That day, Jiamo came home to visit our mother. Our father then made use of the chance to go after Du Bo and Du Yanzheng. When my men came to help, Du Bo finally escaped. Ah Chuan wasn't born yet back then, and the three of you were separated for about a month. Your parents only got reunited when me and your grandmother sent all of you to a small town.

With me and my mother getting in the way, our father no longer went after Jiamo. However, a few years later, our father learnt from an assistant of Jiamo's that the experiment was already a success, but Jiamo and Du Bo had destroyed it. He was enraged and sent men to where you were all living. In order to get the information from Jiamo, he captured Du Bo. Jiamo was shot in the heart when she tried to save Du Bo, and when I arrived, it was already too late."

Zhan Lichuan and Du Yanzheng remained speechless.

"Jiamo died in my arms. Our father sent most of his men to go after your father, and he didn't have enough men with him."

El had a cold smile on his face, "I captured my father and injected one of the toxins that Jiamo had invented inside the lab. I know that you may not believe me, but there were security cameras inside Jiamo's lab and I can show them to you."

With that, there was a scene on the screen that showed the truth that happened back then.

The truth was that their father, Du Bo, was working on the experiment when there were people who suddenly barged into the room. When they started firing at each other, their mother came along as well with the men that their grandfather sent.

Their parents had men on their side as well, but in comparison to the head of the Hess family, it was incomparable. Their father, Du Bo, was a weakling, while their mother was an expert in these fights.

After rescuing her husband, she shouted, "Take the kids and run".

Du Bo was well aware that if he stayed any longer, he would only be a burden. He ran out of the room as he screamed, "Take care! I will wait for you with the kids".

Seeing how Du Bo was about to run, the others tried to stop him and Jiamo's men immediately turned their attention to Du Bo as well. When they saw Du Bo was already out of the room, those men waiting outside were ready to take him away. However, their father pulled out a gun and aimed it at Du Bo without thinking much.

Jiamo was still fighting the others and she had no other way of stopping it. She then rushed forward to where the muzzle was aimed at. It was as if Du Bo could feel it as well. When Jiamo took the shot for him, he turned around.

However, he didn't stop running. He only left behind a sorrowful cry.

At the same time, El arrived with his men. The other men wanted to rush after Du Bo, but with El's men in the picture, everything changed.

The men that she brought along were those who were given to Jiamo when their grandfather died. When Jiamo left the Hess family, their father took over, but these men were only loyal to Jiamo. Seeing how Jiamo was killed by their father, these men immediately killed everyone that was left behind and even captured the new head of the family.

El held onto Jiamo, who was severely injured, and he was flustered. He was trying to get those from the lab to see her, but Jiamo refused to be saved. She passed her men over to El and told him to protect her children. With that, Jiamo closed her eyes forever. El gently placed her on the ground and covered her body with his coat.

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