Chapter Twenty-Four

En başından başla

A half a second later I feel the coolness of the body wash as Will begins to rub onto my shoulders, down my back, and carefully under the backing of my bra. I roll my head back as his fingers softly dig into my shoulders, his big, strong hands squeezing my shoulders as he gives me a massage.

My hair falls back down onto my back, hanging just the slightest in the air. When he's done giving me a massage he reaches up and over, grabbing the showerhead off its hook and bringing it back with him.

Surprisingly, the water is still warm, and when he begins to wash the soap off of me, I glance downwards and see a bunch of bubbles run down the drain. Bringing my hands up to my neck, I run them up and down the sides of it as a calming mechanism.

After a couple of minutes have passed I feel him start to play with my hair, weaving his fingers through it, but when the scent of strawberries and vanilla fills the air I know that he's not just playing with my hair, but washing it. My eyes flutter close as he begins to wash the shampoo out, and I really didn't want to get any in my eyes.

I turn back around to face him when he's done, and ours locking once again when mine are open. He passes me a bottle of shampoo, but instead of using his own, he using mine. When I raise my brow up at him in curiosity, the silent question of why he wasn't his own, all he does is simply shrug in response.

A small smile tugs at my lips as kneels down onto his knees, his head coming up to the middle of my stomach. Flipping the lid to the bottle open, I squeeze some of it out on top of his unruly blonde mop of hair. Tossing the bottle back down to him, he places it on the corner of the tub, and I start to knead the shampoo in his hair.

Playing with his hair, twirling a couple of the longer strands around my fingers, I could feel his warm breath on my stomach. I try to ignore him as I wash the soap out shortly after, but he was making it rather difficult as he starts to run his fingers lightly up and down the sides of my torso.

I don't think he meant too, but he was tickling me. At the same time, though, I find it nice. It was comforting, and that was exactly what he was doing: comforting me.

Some things were still a mystery to me, about how he knew that was something was wrong or that I was upset. It went the other way around, too. We both knew when the other was feeling down. Since we're never truly apart from each other, and if we are its only for a couple of hours.

From the beginning of this whole thing, I had started studying him, curious to how his mind works. Like how kid wonders how a car works. Maybe, he's been doing the same thing.

He stands back up when the shampoo is all rinsed out, and like earlier, we come face to face. Raising his hands, he runs them through his hair once or twice and then shakes his head and the water his hair had been holding is now all over me.

I let out a loud squeal, shielding my face from him with my hands. He makes a grab at me, and just like that, I'm wrapped up in his arms. As soon as our chest collides he starts kissing me all over with sloppy kisses. His lips trail over my neck, my face, and one of my shoulders. At some point his teeth graze the bottom of my ear playfully.

As he's doing all of this, I try to push him away, but it doesn't work. Because Will's too strong and I'm just a weak little duckling.

"Will ...," I whine, and he stops and looks up at me with those beautiful gray eyes of his.

He doesn't look the least bit surprised that I had finally spoken, but that was probably his plan all along: to get me to speak.

"Are you okay?" He asks, looking me in the eye, all playfulness gone and in its place was seriousness.

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